Southpoint News December 29, 2015

New Year’s Eve

“Walking the Labyrinth”

Kingfisher Farm 512-172nd Street

You are invited to drop by Kingfisher Farm between 9-12pm on December 31st to walk our Prayer Labyrinth by candlelight. (This is a weather dependent event. If it’s rainy and blustery outside the event will be cancelled. A light rain is fine.) The labyrinth is in the back woods. Follow the lights down the hill, where tea candles will be lit to guide you through the labyrinth. Children are welcome but they must be accompanied by their parents. Feel free to pass this invitation on to your friends

This is a self-guided experience. Come with others or alone, and leave when you are finished. If someone is in the labyrinth ahead of you, give them some space to linger, waiting until they have finished walking before you begin.


Bring your flashlight and outdoor footwear, and take care coming down the hill, as the mud is slippery from the rains. Please park on the right hand side of the property as you enter the drive, close to the heritage farm house and road. The shelter will be opened and heated for lingering and chatting.


The labyrinth is a hands on (feet on:) way of worshipfully remembering God’s gracious presence with us through the journey of this last year, with all its surprises, turns and twists. It also gives us space to anticipate His presence with us as we begin the adventure of a new year’s journey. Below is a short written introduction to walking the labyrinth, provided to us by Brent from a distance:)

“The labyrinth path has three stages – the ‘inward’ journey’, the ‘centre’ and the ‘outward’ journey. The theme of the ‘inward’ journey is letting go of things which hinder our wholeness and inner approach to God. The centre of the Labyrinth is a space of meditative prayer and peace. The theme of the ‘outward’ journey is relationship – with ourselves, with others and with the planet – seen in the light of our relationship with God.

Labyrinths and mazes have often been confused. When most people hear of a labyrinth they think of a maze. A labyrinth is not a maze. A maze is like a puzzle to be solved. It has twists, turns, and blind alleys. It is a left brain task that requires logical, sequential, analytical activity to find the correct path into the maze and out. A labyrinth has only one path. It is unicursal. The way in is the way out. There are no blind alleys. The path leads you on a circuitous path to the centre and out again.

A labyrinth is a right brain task. It involves intuition, creativity, and imagery. With a maze many choices must be made and an active mind is needed to solve the problem of finding the centre. With a labyrinth there is only one choice to be made. The choice is to enter or not. A more passive, receptive mindset is needed. The choice is whether or not to walk a spiritual path. At its most basic level the labyrinth is a metaphor for the journey to the centre of your deepest self and back out into the world with a broadened understanding of who you are.

Things to keep in mind before walking a labyrinth:

1. Preparation: Becoming clear about the focus on the labyrinth prayer

2. Invocation: Asking God’s help as one begins

3. Going in: Moving on the path from the threshold (entrance) to the centre

4. Staying in the centre: Resting for as long as one likes

5. Returning to the world: Moving on the path from the centre to the threshold (entrance)

6. Thanksgiving: Giving thanks for what has been experienced

7. Reflection: Taking time to understand the deeper meanings of the labyrinth prayer

Enjoy the experience!


January 3rd:   SUNDAY SERVICE @ 11:15 – “Exploring What We Value”

January 8th:   Youth Group, Hubbard’s Home, 6-8 pm

January 10th:  SUNDAY SERVICE @ 11:15 – “Incarnating What We Value”

January 15th:  Youth Group – Hubbard’s Home, 6-8 pm

January 17th:  SUNDAY SERVICE @ 11:15

January 22nd: Youth Group – Hubbard’s Home, 6-8 pm

January 24th:  ALL IN SERVICE @ 11:15

January 29th:  GAME NIGHT @ 7 pm, Shiloh Shelter, Kingfisher Farm

January 31st:  SUNDAY SERVICE @ 11:15

Mending the Net: Community Connections


Thanks to all those who came caroling this past Sunday. We had a great time! It looks like we’ve found ourselves another Southpoint Tradition!

Welcome Baskets for Refugees

The youth are collecting handmade objects such as candles, blankets, soaps, dishcloths, pottery, jams, honey, etc, as well as gift cards to grocery stores so that they can create 10-15 baskets for refugee families that will be arriving in Surrey. Please bring your contributions to church and give to Jen or Johanna.


Please pray for Chris Hartnell’s mom as she sustained a fall over the holidays in England, and for Chris as he struggles with being far away. Pray for Thea’s continued health and recovery, and for all those who struggle emotionally over the holidays.

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