Southpoint News January 22, 2015


I don’t know about you,  but these days I am hungry for goodness. I am literally craving justice. I feel slightly crazed by my thirst for shalom.  It is a most uncomfortable feeling.

May be it is just the weather, or the way the woods have turned soppy and dank.  Maybe it is the cloying smell of fermenting manure that greets me in the morning, now that the feedlot next door has kicked into gear.  Or maybe it is Trump’s diatribes, the NRA’s twisted logic, or the images of the good people of Madaya starving to death while under siege in Syria.  Inside me a pressure cooker is building.

This week it reached the tipping point. I find myself doing things that are distinctly out of character. Like making an appointment with someone way outside my sphere of influence to express my concerns. Like spontaneously showing up at school and  taking Adam, Johanna, Aidan, and Bryn out of WRCA  to buy the rest of the  goods needed for the refugee family.

Front door mat – check. Bath mat – check. Three fuzzy blankets for the kids – check. Mattress protectors – check. check. Frozen fish, beans, oil, pepper, laundry detergent, cornstarch, check.  Shoot. Forgot the shampoo and conditioner. Never mind. We’ll get that later.   We tramped  in and out of six different stores and celebrated the fulfillment of the list at Menchie’s.

My hunger for a good world hasn’t decreased, and I still feel a bit crazed,  but pressing into what I long for has been a relief. There is so very much outside of our sphere of influence, but the Spirit gives us power, and the Spirit will show us when and where to use it.

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
Reinhold Niebuhr


January 22nd:  Youth Group – Hubbard’s Home, 6-8 pm

January 24th:  ALL IN SERVICE @ 11:15

January 29th:  GAME NIGHT @  7 pm, Shiloh Shelter, Kingfisher Farm

January 31st – SUNDAY SERVICE @ 11:15
Mending the Net:  Community Connections

Mending the Net:  Community Connections

New Prayer Initiative Begins
A hunger has been growing in many hearts at Southpoint to go deeper in our prayer and intercession for one another.  One way we would like to do this is to be more intentional about our prayer teams after Sunday morning services.  If this is something you have a desire to be part of, we welcome you!  So that we can support one another in this, Brian Oger will be leading an evening training session so we can practise together how we can best pray for one another.  The training session will be held in the next few weeks, according to the availability of those interested.

Men’s Movie Night  – Tuesday, Feb 2nd

A note from Jason Goode: : “I don’t know what we’ll go see, but save the date in your calendar! There are lots of great movies out there, so we’ll have lots to choose from in a couple of weeks. Let me know if you can make it. (I can give you a ride.)”

Date: Tuesday, Feb 2nd
Location: either the Hollywood 3 in Newton, or a White Rock theatre
Movie: TBD.

Welcome Baskets for Refugees – DUE DATE: January 31st!!
The youth are collecting handmade objects such as candles, blankets, soaps, dishcloths, pottery, jams, honey, etc, as well as gift cards to grocery stores so that they can create 10-15 baskets for refugee families that HAVE arrived in Surrey. Please bring your contributions to church and give to Anne, Jen, Solene, Adam, Maya, or Johanna.

Syrian Families & Southpoint
A Syrian family will be coming on Tuesday to Kingfisher farm to have a look at their potential living arrangements.  Jen and Andrew Hubbard are also on the list to host and will be going to an informational meeting to find out more about hosting. Please keep us all in your prayers.

Church Directory has been updated!

If you need a printed copy, please contact Cornelia. Electronic copy will be circulated this week. If you do not receive the electronic email from Anne, please let her know.

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