Southpoint News November 20, 2015



This Sunday we will be celebrating Christ the King Sunday.

As the last Sunday of the church year,  Christ the King Sunday is the climax of the liturgical year. We gather to celebrate the coming reign of Christ as King over all creation and the renewal of creation that this reign brings.

Worship is more than singing a few songs. Worship is a repositioning of one’s whole life back under the rule and reign of Christ, our Shepherd-King. Worship is a posture, a stance we take before the Risen Christ. We acknowledge reign of Christ over our lives and over creation.  We yield before the authority of  Christ, relinquishing our own right to rule and welcoming Christ to come and take his rightful place among us.  This  stance permeates and shapes the way we live, move, and have our being in the world.
What does a posture of worship look like to you?

There are times in life when we find ourselves standing at a moral crossroads.  These moments come when we have to choose between what is comfortable, convenient, and cost-effective with what is just, good, and right.   The posture of worship reminds us that the choice has already been made. The real challenge before us is taking the next step.

Refugee Response

The leadership team is praying about how we as a church can respond to the refugee crisis and be involved in welcoming the Syrian refugees that will soon begin flooding into Surrey. We have decided to use the remaining amount allocated for missions in our 2015 budget towards this end. However, due to the gap between money pledged for 2015 and money given, we currently do not have these funds.   We long to respond to this crisis as a community. How might the Holy Spirit lead us? How can the abundance of the Kingdom flow like a river from the altar of our little church and out into the desolate landscape of the refugee crisis?


November 22nd:   SUNDAY SERVICE – ALL IN  CHURCH:  Christ the King Sunday

November 27th:   Youth Group: 7:30 – Jen and Andrew Hubbard’s House.

November 29th:   SUNDAY SERVICE – ADVENT BEGINS   Speaker: Christie Goode
Special Congregational Meeting after church to bring in new members

Mending the Net – Community Connections

Save the Date! Winter Retreat – February 5-8, 2016: Everyone Welcome!!!

We are once again planning a Winter Retreat at Camp Tulahead in Princeton, BC.  The Camp is about a 3-3.5 hour drive from the South Surrey area.   Come enjoy the many activities together: ice skating, board games, tobogganing, and meals.  The Winter Retreat is a great time to commune with others, have fun together, and enjoy a weekend in God’s winter wonderland.  There will be a sign-up sheet this Sunday.  Please sign up to ensure you receive the relevant information in the coming weeks.


There are just 6 weeks left to donate blood this year.  Hospitals never close and neither does Canadian Blood Services.  They need donors throughout the entire month of December. When donating remember we are in the Partners for Life Program and our church ID is: THEC180665

Rev. Anne Smith
Pastor of Church at Southpoint

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