Southpoint News September 29, 2017


Colour Our World

It is said that it takes a village to raise a child. It also takes a community to raise a church. Think of Southpoint as a garden – a beautiful, somewhat messy, riotously colourful, somewhat weedy yet abundantly fruitful garden. As we serve, worship, and connect with God and with one another, we grow! Not necessarily bigger, but certainly healthier and more fruitful. Each person adds colour and uniqueness to this beautiful garden. Each person helps Southpoint grow. As we grow as a community, we add colour to the world around us. We colour our world! When people become rooted in our community, they participate in three simple practices which help our garden grow: Serving: Participating in our Sunday morning volunteer teams. Connecting: Participating in a gathering group. Worshipping:  Participating in the “offering” of our whole selves that we make to God. Will you help colour our world?

2018 Offering Pledges

Just as a gardener plans out a vision for the garden, purchasing seeds, planning rows, the leadership team @  Southpoint is beginning to plan our budget for 2018. Each year, we invite “regulars” to make a pledge of what they will be “offering” in the coming year. This allows us to build our budget around projected giving. We are aware that life holds unexpected twists and turns. Be assured – you are able to change your pledge amount and/or your POP tithe at ANY TIME.  (Pre-authorized giving provides us with even more predictability. If you’d like to sign up for a POP offering, please ask Sarah McEvoy for a form.) We believe it is best when offerings are private and confidential. This Sunday, you will receive a special pledge gift bag with instructions for your family:) We are excited to see how God might grow us this year as we collaborate, or co-labour, with God and one another

Pastor Anne Smith


Change in Service Time
We are communicating with the UCC church about a change in our start time. UCC has offered to rent their space from 12:30 p.m. onward to another church, so we have asked for a 10:00 a.m. start time, leaving us ample time to linger, and also not have too early a start. Once we have the go-ahead on making this change, we will create a firm timeline to implement it. For those of you with small children, I share your joy that the season of missed naps and late lunches are over!  For those of you with teenagers, I share your challenge in getting them out of bed:) The changes through the years of worship space and time have certainly taught us to be flexible, adaptable, and sensitive to the varied needs of our members. Thank you for once again being a fantastic community.

Tuesday Lectio Divina

You are warmly invited to the Lectio Divina group around this week’s lectionary reading. Join Anne at her office in ThirdSpace #1 – 1381 George Street.

Community Highlight
THIRDSPACE, a community project of the Peninsula UCC church at #1 – 1381 George Street. ThirdSpace is a safe space in the community – welcoming, accepting engaging – a community hub where friendship grows. See below for events happening in the Third Space.

Drop-In Cafe: Wed & Fri, 9:30 am – 12:00 pm

Sit & Stitch: Tues, 7:00 – 8:30 pm

Death Cafe: First Thursday, 7:00 – 8:30 pm

Prayer for continued healing and renewal for: Christine, Kate, Anne H., Shirley and Ron Baxter, and all our friends with their hands in Christ’s firm grip.


Ongoing: Lectio Divina with the Lectionary Tuesdays at 9:00 am at ThirdSpace

Younger Youth (gr. 6-8) Lunch at the Hardy household 1:00 pm, Sun. 1st

Leadership Team meeting 7:00 pm, Tues. 10th

+13 Youth Small Group 6:00-8:00 pm, Fri.13 & 27th

Lectio workshop at Kingfisher Farm 7:30 pm, Tues. 24th: Child/family friendly

+13 Youth Small Group 6:00-8:00 pm, Fri. 10 & 24th

Leadership Team meeting 7:00 pm, Tues. 14th

Lectio workshop at Kingfisher Farm 7:30 pm, Tues. 21st

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