Week of May 16-22, 2021.

Hands. John Hain.

Cultivating and Letting Go

In June, July and August we will be paying attention to God, the Master Gardener, and God’s actions in and around us. We will be inviting God to unearth in us what lies fallow, what needs to be tended, and what needs to die for new life to emerge. We will be embracing the practises of cultivating and letting go; planting and pruning.

We will be using resources created by A Sanctified Art. During our zoom services we will hear stories from people in our community and a little further abroad. Every other week in our Outdoor Church gatherings we will be able to share about our own journeys of cultivating and letting go and where you are being encouraged to grow in new ways. We will also be reflecting as a church community on what we are being invited to let go of and what we are being invited to cultivate.

Let go of your fear.
Let go of perfection.
Let go of busyness as a sign of your self worth,
And the notion that creativity is a luxury.
Be wild and free.
Plant roots like a redwood,
And a spine like a sunflower;
For the days are short, and you are beautiful.
Don’t be afraid to let go.
The only thing you cannot lose is God’s evergreen love.

– Sarah Are, Sanctified Art 

Thank you, Leah Kostamo, Rick Faw, and A Rocha Canada, for providing us with our Easter season series on God’s care for creation!  If anyone missed a meditation in this series, or in the previous one (Lent) you can listen to them hereNote: Sermons are listed in chronological order, with the newest at the bottom of the page.


Together @ Southpoint


Youth, In May

Got a question? Contact Katie (email)
Instagram: thechurchatSouthpoint

Order of the Phoenix
Zooms 6:00-7:00 pm
Tuesday, May 18

Fellowship of the Rings
Zooms 6:30-7:30 pm
Tuesday, May 25

Zoom chat, 8:00 pm
Friday, May 28

Community Sharing

Here, we hold space particularly to hear the sorrow/worry in hearts of those whose journeys are right now hard. Your ‘voice’ as you share in the Southpoint News may be different than what you tell a member of the Pastoral Care Team and confidential prayer chain (i.e. more general info and less vulnerable), or it may be exactly the same. To contribute a care: email.

From Loriane 
Grant has had four radiation treatments on his brain. He’s returning home today (Tuesday) under the palliative care program. His bed will be set up in the front room so that visitors can greet him through the window. Grant has felt the presence of Jesus sitting with him at least three times now.


Prayer Chain
If you have a confidential prayer need, please send it to the first link in the chain, John H. (email).

Prayer Circles NEW TIME!
Wednesdays: May 19, 26
6:30 pm, by Zoom
If you’d like to join, please contact Donelda by 6:00 pm for the link

Pastoral Care

Active Pastoral Care Person

If you’re needing to talk or to pray, or would like support while you figure out what you need(!), our Pastoral Care Team is here for you:

From May 16-29, please contact David M.

Southpoint Gathering Groups
These are designed also to show care and be neighbourly – let your group facilitators know that you’re limping a little. Let’s lift each other up.

Gathering Group Leaders are:
Jen & Andrew H.
Angela & Paul N.
Brian & Lynne O.
Loree & Kevin McD / L.
Karin B. & Brent U.
Anne & Craig S.

If you’re not sure where you belong, contact Karin (email).



Pentecost May 23,
Outdoor Church 10:00 am

Come together (but not too closely) for outdoor worship as your Gathering Group (GG) joins another one at the location listed below. Our theme is “playfully engaging the Spirit in our imaginations”. Thank you, to Donelda and Anne, for creating this service.

* Wear a mask
* Bring a chair/blanket
* Print a copy of this Pentecost liturgy

GGs at Kingfisher: Unrau/BJ & Smith
GGs in Hardy yard: Neufeld & Hubbard
GGs in Oger yard: Oger & McDougall-Lade
(or Small Group Zoom info here)

If an Outdoor Church needs to be cancelled (for Covid reasons, or due to inclement weather!) you will receive an email on Sunday morning by 8:30 am from Karin (office@southpoint.ca) to alert you.

P.S. The Small Group zoom is an option for those unable to attend an outdoor gathering: this is a time of fellowship and not a ‘led’ service.

May 30 Zoom Church
Speaker: Angela Neufeld
Cultivating and Letting Go

Covid Protocols

Please be assured that the Southpoint Leadership Team is monitoring BC’s current province-wide restrictions (here) so that our ‘Outdoor Religious and Worship Services’ follow the guidelines properly.

*There will be a sign-in at each Outdoor church (for contact tracing)
* Everyone over 12 needs to wear a mask
* Maintain 6′ distance physical distancing
* Please honour the restrictions for worship services and leave promptly, without staying to chat with each other or the host.


Financial Update

Because our 2021 budget has a small margin, at our AGM the Leadership Team committed to good communication and regular updates regarding our financial situation.

This update represents the first trimester of 2021.

As of April 30, we have received $36,862.10.
Our expenses have been $36,377.92.
Current status: (+) $484.18 (meeting budget).

Thank you for your continued support and prayers as we trust God to provide for the needs of our community.

Supporting Southpoint 

Your donation is so important – thank you!

Pre-authorized debit (monthly or one-time) with our linked form. Cost to Southpoint is $0.50.

Paypal to the The Church at Southpoint. Cost is 3% of the donation. No Paypal account is required, only a credit card.

Charitable Impact Foundation.  Cost is 2.8% of the donation.

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