Friendship and Self-Compassion

Ordinary Time in the Summer
Words from Amy Rogness Ris, who gave us an eloquent and beautiful way of engaging with the content of her meditation: through song.
As I’ve been reflecting on, and been given the opportunity to practice self-compassion, I find that the context in which I have most felt this is in my friendships with others. When I can be vulnerable enough to share with another person all of what it means to be human—joy, sadness, fear, shame, anger, pleasure, excitement, grief—I have the opportunity to experience my own alive-ness.
To be witnessed in these emotions within friendship, I get to hear and experience compassion from others, to have this modeled for me when I do not have the capacity yet to show compassion to myself. I get to hear and experience, “Your pain is not too much for me,” “Tell me more of what your fear is saying,” and “Your anger is important.” In time, I can carry this with me, even when I’m alone.
And if you need some help finding your way there, here is a poem to reflect on.
(Title & author unknown)
Look in the mirror,
and say, “I love you.”
Place your hands on your heart,
and feel, “I love you.”
Water your plants,
and pour, “I love you.”
Lean your cheek into a tree,
and breathe, “I love you.”
Search out a four-legged,
and caress, “I love you.”
Raise your face to the sky,
and open, “I love you.”
Put your feet in the water,
and splash, “I love you.”
Notice a stranger’s hands,
and whisper, “I love you.”
Kneel and kiss the ground,
and know,
I love you.
Invitations to reflection this week:
What part inside of you needs to hear words of compassion?
What words is that part of you longing to hear?
A nudge to action:
Write up an affirmation for yourself this week that speaks into this part of your life. Practice speaking this to yourself each day.
Another resource, from the Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care: Self-Compassion as a Christian Spiritual Practice, by James Wilhoit. DOI
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