Friendship & Flourishing

Too Busy, Doing Nothing in Particular by David Ralph Simpson, Link

Our Friendship Gallery
This summer, we will be exploring friendships. As part of this exploration, we will be constructing a “Friendship Gallery” on the sanctuary walls with our community’s offerings—photos of friends, quotes, poems, prayers, short stories, art—it’s all welcome.

We’ll be building the gallery all summer  because we’re sitting with the contention that we are loved into flourishing. What if friendship lies at the heart of a life worthy of our deepest desires? And what if Jesus is inviting us into this form of flourishing life himself, by calling us his friends? Grounded in Jesus’s invitation to come close to the relational heart of God, we’re exploring the intricacies of friendship and expanding our imaginations for how friendship can be nurtured.

What are some common barriers that hold us back from entering the relational depths where abundant life happens? What are some forms of friendship that we may not have considered before, into which we are being invited?  Come along this summer, as we explore our deep desires for connection. Let’s marvel together at friendship’s central place in God’s invitation for everyone: to partake in flourishing life. 

Deep peace and blessing,

Rev. Anne Baxter Smith
Pastor, Church at Southpoint 

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