Welcome to Ordinary Time: “Endings and Beginnings”
“Seeing God in all things and all things in God” Link to description of Ignatian Spirituality
Hello Southpoint friends,
We are entering the season of the church calendar known as Ordinary Time, which stretches all the way from now until Advent. This great swath of time is gathered up and held between the feasts of Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost. The colour of this season is green, a sign of life, and represents growth, life, and hope. Ordinary Time is a season of deepening maturation as we journey with Jesus. As seeds grow into fruition and become reproducing plants, the living presence of Jesus continues to grow in us. As we watch for this presence interwoven into the fabric of life around us and tend to the rhythms and rituals of daily life, we will see things coming into fruition.
This Sunday, something is coming into fruition. It has been a LONG journey to become a fully welcoming, fully inclusive church, enjoying fresh belonging within a fully inclusive association of other churches, extending that belonging to others. However, it has finally come to pass.
This week, we have completed our transition out of the CBWC. This Sunday, Rev. Dr. Rusty Edwards, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Halifax and member of the CABF, has prepared words of encouragement for our gathering this Sunday. While he cannot be here in person, he will join us over Zoom, and has prepared a message beforehand for us which we will watch together. Rusty has been a source of comfort and encouragement to me over the last few years. I look forward to you getting to meet him.
Deep peace and blessing,
Rev. Anne Baxter Smith
Pastor, Church at Southpoint
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