Week of Dec 13-19, 2020.


By Scott Erickson
Luke 1:39-45


The Creative Power of Joy 

Mary ran to Elizabeth. She needed someone who could recognize the gift of God within her, speak goodness out loud to her, and bless her so that she knew she wasn’t going crazy thinking there was a child of God inside her.

That’s just what Elizabeth did in Luke’s gospel. Elizabeth saw the hidden goodness within Mary that no one else could see. She joyously proclaimed the goodness out loud and said she felt so lucky just to be with Mary. Then she spoke beautiful words of blessing over Mary. What a picture of joyful attunement.

Elizabeth’s actions unleashed something in Mary. Luke places the magnificat, Mary’s song, right after the blessing of Elizabeth. Placed in this order, Mary’s heart seems to open wide in response to Elizabeth’s affirmation. She finds her voice, and all these clear, powerful, prophetic words pour out of her mouth.

I wonder which people have been Elizabeth figures for you? I wonder when you have been an Elizabeth to someone? I wonder what was unleashed in both of you in these encounters?

If we look hard enough, we will find plenty of ammunition for our criticisms and justification for our judgements of one another. This Christmas, may we gift each other with a different kind of eyesight. May we be generous in seeing and naming the goodness buried inside of one another, and be lavish in our blessings. May we also be as vulnerable about our honest need for one another, asking for support when we need bolstering.

When the Christ light is seen, noticed, named, blessed, and valued, it brings both the giver and the receiver such joy. These are such healing, joyful experiences. They bring this feeling of gratitude, a sense of just how favoured we are to have one another in our lives.

– Anne


Christmas Eve Zoom:
Communion with Challah

December 24, Zoom @ 4:00 pm (link)

Out of an abundance of respect to our government leaders and an abundance of care and caution for one another, we have, with regret, cancelled our Christmas Eve on the farm.

Instead, dear Katie Adams has offered to make a small loaf of her famous Christmas Eve Challah bread for each household to pick up. It will be available for pick up on Christmas Eve afternoon, and we will have a zoom communion together at 4:00 pm (zoom link).

Sign up to let Katie know you can pick up a loaf of her beautiful Challah on Christmas Eve between 2:00 – 3:00 pm at the Hardy home. It will be a good ol’ fashioned drive-through, stopping at the main doors so one of the family can bring your bread to your car!



“Southpoint Listens”


Angela is collecting your favourite Advent songs this week and curating a Southpoint Listens Advent 2020 playlist on Spotify – feel free to email her with your additions!




Advent Fundraising

This Advent our focus is on vulnerable youth. To raise funds, Southpoint’s K-3 kids (and their parents) have baked cookies! You can buy a dozen assorted cookies by donation. Just contact Angela (email)

To support Youth Unlimited’s YUnite Outside initiative, which saw Jared Faw and Simon Neufeld sleep outdoors on a very chilly night last week, you can donate here.


And, lastly, here’s a message from Daniel Burgi and HimalayanLife:

As we are slowly wrapping up the year for HimalayanLife, I am quite overcome with a deep sense of gratitude.

Gratitude for God’s provisions and protection, for all the opportunities to continue our work in the midst of the pandemic, and for all the support we have been receiving.

This, of course, includes Southpoint’s generous support –  thank you!  Click the link to see a two-minute video created to express our gratitude to you.

Blessings, Daniel. 



Community Engagement Coordinator
Job Posting

The Church at Southpoint Leadership Team and Pastor Anne Smith have initiated a search for the position of Community Engagement Coordinator. This is a part-time contract post that offers the opportunity to work in a small church and contribute to a small team that is collaborative, creative, relational, spacious and Christ-centred.

Your help is welcomed to contact people who may be interested in this position. This letter on the CBWC website describes the opportunity and the responsibilities of the Community Engagement Coordinator.

The deadline for applications is January 15. Resumé and cover letter should be addressed to Anne Smith at this email address.



A Message from the Leadership Team

Based on our pledges and our draft budget for 2021, we forecast a deficit of approximately $2500. If you would like to help meet this need by a one time donation, or a change to your pledge amount for 2021, please contact Sarah Adams (email) and she can help you make any adjustments, or advise you how best to do this.

Thank you for your ongoing support and care of Southpoint.

– Theresa Fryer 



Together @Southpoint 

Are you interested in exploring what membership looks like @Southpoint? We will host a zoom conversation in early January – to participate, please contact Anne (email, 778-878-4352).


This link will provide you with the information you need to join Sunday’s Zoom church service at 10:00 am.

Dec 20    Embodiment
We magnify the creative power of peace through our contemplative practices and actions and prepare for the coming of Christ.
Luke 1:46-55

Dec 24    Christmas Eve
We participate in Incarnation’s story and rejoice!
Luke 2:1-20

Dec 27    Revelation
Our eyes have seen salvation
Luke 2:22-40

Jan 3    Be Not Afraid
Courage is contagious.
Matthew 2:1-15

Friendship Benches

Cultivating small circles of connection, fun and care during CoVid-19. If you’d like to know more about these groups, contact Angela (email).

Southpoint’s Finest Order of the Phoenix
(Grades 3-6)
Thursday at 4:00 pm


Advent Prayer Circle
Wednesdays in December, 12:00-1:00 pm. We would love to have you join us to pray for one another, our church, and our community. RSVP to Anne by email if you’d like to receive the zoom link invite.

Prayer Chain
If you have a confidential prayer need, please contact John Hardy (email).

Pastoral Support
If you’re needing to talk or to pray, please call Anne (778-878-4352).


Supporting the Work of Southpoint

Thank you for considering your giving during this unusual time. Options include:

Pre-authorized debit (monthly or one-time) with our linked form. Cost to Southpoint is only $0.50.

Paypal to the The Church at Southpoint. Cost is 3% of the donation. No Paypal account is required, only a credit card.

Charitable Impact Foundation. Cost is 2.8% of the donation.

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