Series on Job: The Wager of Loss

Series on Job: The Wager of Loss

The Via Positiva is a spiritual pathway of awe and delight in which we become aware of God’s presence in the goodness of ordinary life.…

Bird Watching as Prayer

Bird Watching as Prayer

I’ve always rather liked the image of prayer as bird-watching. You sit very still because something is liable to burst into view,…



Twenty years ago, in October 2004, The Church at Southpoint was registered as a non-profit society in British Columbia. Southpoint’s story began…



The spiritual discipline of gratitude begins with an awareness that everything we have is a gift—the birds flying through the sky, the…



“What comes to mind when you think of home?” This was Krista Boyes’ opening line last Sunday. She then encouraged us to look…

Together, We Serve

Together, We Serve

Did you know that “invasive species are considered to be one of the greatest threats to biodiversity world-wide, second only to habitat…

Together, We Care

Together, We Care

Many have learned about the harmful displacement of Indigenous people when new people arrived. You are invited to extend this learning to…

Together, We Learn

Together, We Learn

“As people of faith, we don’t just state our beliefs—we live them out… Reducing the causes of climate change is essential to the…

Together, We Act.

Together, We Act.

For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. Romans 8:19. Creation itself, the very earth beneath…

Together, We Hope

Together, We Hope

In Romans 8:19-25, the scripture chosen to honour this year’s Season of Creation, Creation is like a prisoner of war, groaning for…