Ordinary Time
“As we have died with him and have been buried and raised to life with him, so we bear him within us…in everything we do.”
St. Leo the Great, 5th century
We are about to enter into the season of the church year called “Ordinary Time”. It is that long stretch of time between Pentecost and Advent when all the big celebrations are behind us, and we settle in to the wonderful truth that God is in the midst of our ordinary, humdrum existence. He’s driving down the road, and seated at our tables. He’s there with us as we comfort crying babies and as we problem solve at work. Not only is God’s presence woven through the very fabric of ordinary life, God wants to help us experience fruitfulness in our ordinary lives. Our job is to is remember to ask for help, and then to say thank you. Come enjoy the beginning of “Ordinary Time” this Sunday.
On Sunday, June 10th, we will begin a new series, “Good Fruit”, which will last until the end of August. On June 2, Anne will be bridging the two themes.
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