A Budgetary Milestone

cjcprintmaker (link)
Feeling very grateful for the faithfulness and generosity of our community members!
We have just announced that Madison Friesen will start in the role of the Community Life Coordinator (bio here) on August 1, and now we can celebrate that at the end of June, cumulative giving had actually exceededby $1403 what was pledged for this point in the year. If giving were to match pledges exactly for the rest of the year, we’d find ourselves with a surplus representing 1.1% of the $126,000 we’d counted on to finish 2023.
This feels like such an affirmation of the processes we have diligently pursued in the past several years. How “refreshing” for Anne, who returns today from her summer holiday with Craig and what a gift for us all as we start this new season of our life together at Southpoint.
Sing for joy, O heavens, for the LORD has done this; shout aloud, O depths of the earth. Break forth in song, O mountains, you forests and all your trees… (Isaiah 44:23)
Let’s listen to the mountains singing : ) and get out to enjoy some play and togetherness over the next two Sundays! *Remember we’re not at Sunnyside on July 23 and 30.*
You can still join in this week on our Outdoor Church, starting at 1:00 pm at the “Golden Ears Group site” at Golden Ears Provincial Park (not the Alouette Lake Groupsite). Bring what you need for playing/resting/ sharing food and fun.
If that scripture didn’t do it, here’s an encouragement from John Muir: Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn.
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