CRACKS OF LIGHT: God Manifesting Through Us

Broken Vessel, 2010
Dan Christopher

Jeremiah 1: 4-10

I know you.
I received a birthday package from an old friend this week. Everything in that package—the book she chose, the art she made, the earrings she wrapped—all spoke loudly, “I know you”! This is one of the deep comforts of friendship: to be known, to have someone in your life who holds your story, knows your dreams and desires, knows what makes you angry and what triggers old wounds. Someone who understands and loves your unique combination of strengths and weaknesses. Someone who sees gifts hidden inside you that you don’t even know yourself. In this week’s passage, God comes to young Jeremiah and says, “I know you, Jeremiah. I formed you. Even before I created you, I knew you.” 

I see you.
The winter Olympics began this week. All those athletes are performing because someone saw their potential, had a vision for who they could become, and worked with them to bring that vision to pass. In this passage, not only does God know Jeremiah, God sees Jeremiah’s potential and has a vision for him. God says to him: “Even before you were even born, I had a vision for who you would be. I have had my eye on you.”

I have a purpose for you.
I remember how shocked I was when a professor approached me and invited me to become a teaching assistant. I felt inadequate and honoured at the same time. God came to Jeremiah, “I want you to be a prophet to the nations. I will be with you. I will give you words to say. I will show you where to go. Don’t limit what I can do through you.”

I will bring to pass my vision—through you.
In this passage, we see a God who formed us, knows us, has a vision for us, who sees things in us that we cannot see in ourselves. God is one who watches and waits and in the fullness of time, engages us and draws us into God’s vision. God is one who gives us what we need to embody that vision and remains with us as we engage in the work. As we respond, our own knowing of God deepens. We come to know God more, even as we are fully known.

Henry Blackaby in Experiencing God wrote that an encounter with God is always an invitation to join God in the work that God is doing.

Up until this moment in Epiphany, we have been noting in the passages what God does for us. Looking back, we see a God who gathers us and blesses us and renews us and nourishes us. God has come through the cracks and crevices and manifested light to us. This week, the tide is turning. For the next two weeks, the scriptures speak of what God wants to bring to pass through us and how God wants to manifest light through us.

In-Person at Sunnyside at 10:00 am (15639 24 Avenue, Surrey)

Sun. Feb. 13

Speaker: Anne Smith
A Glimpse of One Who Sends
Isaiah 6: 1-8 (9-13)

Sun. Feb. 20
Speaker: Anne Smith
A Glimpse of One Who Preserves
Genesis 45: 3-11, 15

Sun. Feb. 27 All Out
No service—see Brunch, above

Wed. Mar 2    Ash Wednesday

Sun. Mar 6   First Sunday of Lent

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Progress Pride Flag by Daniel Quasar (link)

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