Jan 15, 2013
For the past two Sundays we have been celebrating the Feast of Epiphany.  Epiphany means “manifestation” or “revelation”, and it is not just a day but a season that runs all the way until February 10th. After all the emphasis on waiting in the darkness of Advent for something that is YET to come,  we get to proclaim that the light has come!  God has popped out of hiding and manifested his glory! OK, that manifestation is subtle – a tiny baby, born into a manger.   That manifestation is still tucked away, waiting to be found, like some beautiful piece of sea glass hiding among the pebbles on the beach.   That manifestation still requires us to go on a hunt,  following the light til it leads us to heaven’s door.
To practice epiphany, you must  become like a child, entering into this game of hide and seek.  Here, amidst the dismal slow days of January, God’s presence is a jewel, waiting to be found.  Ready….set….go!  With eyes open and heart’s wide, let the search begin!! 
Readings for January 20th:  Psalms 36:5-10, Isaiah. 62:1-5, John 2:1-11, 1 Corinthians 12:1-11

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