“Ah! my dear comrades, let us crazy ones take delight in our eyesight in spite of everything, yes, let’s!” – Vincent Van Gogh
This Sunday will conclude our “Good Fruit” summer series. We are looking at the fruit of Celebration, and to merely talk ABOUT celebration and not actually CELEBRATE misses the point! It is a holiday weekend and numbers will be down, allowing for all sorts of creative space options, so we are going to have church around food laden tables:) Please bring with you a generous helping of your favorite fruits in season, or some yummy baked goods that might go nice with fruit. We’ll have communion the way it was done in the early church – around the table, sharing a Second Breakfast that would make Bilbo Baggins proud. And don’t forget your offering of canned goods for the food bank. For anyone unfamiliar of the importance of Second Breakfast, please prepare yourself for worship by watching this YouTube clip:
“You prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies” Psalm 23
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