Lent: Living the Questions (4) Glory

A parched afternoon in the desert.

Theresa wrote this beautiful piece in response to Sunday’s sermon. With her permission, I offer this slightly shortened version to you as our blog this week. Enjoy the lyricism of her words!

— Anne

“Glory is the unfolding of God’s loving character”—I cut my spiritual canines on this phrase. It was my pastor’s favourite and it has urged me to seek this great unfolding on the journey of life.

What glory to witness—and sometimes even midwife—souls take their first heart-stopping breaths of freedom and love. 

What glory to experience the Spirit move mysteriously and powerfully  in worship, bringing healing and encouragement to people in weary, seemingly hopeless places.

What glory to see God’s loving character unfolding in the small beauty of spring birds, awakening me to the life that warmth and sunshine will bring to the seeds hidden in seeming death underground, reminding me that death does not have the final say. 

What glory to relish the uninhibited joy of a toddler, reveling in first steps towards loving parents. 

What glory to hear the soothing yet oh-so-powerful waves of the ocean as they murmur and boom along the shoreline.

What glory to linger with loved ones over a shared meal and shared lives, hearts full of gratitude and satisfaction.

Hearing again the story of the blind man healed by Jesus this Sunday, I had a covid-induced shudder thinking of spit and dirt rubbed into my eyes. Such a social taboo these days, and I suspect it broke a wide range of traditional and societal norms in those times, too.

What of this blind man? Having lived the misery of judgment, poverty, disability, and shunning his whole life, he knew nothing of the beauty of the world around him. For him, the world must have seemed an unsafe, unpredictable habitation, never knowing what obstacle, be it physical or societal, would be in his path.

And then—the unfolding of God’s loving character shining on him and cracking him open to everything around him. What wonder! What joy! What jubilation! A wonder not shared by those around him, who first doubted this glorious unfolding, and then distanced themselves from him and his miracle.

Jesus was not the first person he saw when his sight was restored. Obeying Jesus, he journeyed to the pool of Siloam to wash the filthy mud out of his eyes. What would it be like to see forms, colours, faces, suddenly take shape? To see the people and animals he had only known by sound reveal themselves in their humanity and beauty?

And then, on the very heels of that, to have to explain, over and over again, what had happened to him, both to those who knew him intimately, and to those who did not, only to be met with disbelief and distrust. “All I know is that I was blind and now I can see.”

I wonder, what it was like for him to look eye to eye with the man who had healed him. To be able to see Jesus, to commit to memory all the lines and planes of that face.

I wonder, what was it like to be seen by Jesus? To see welcome, recognition, acceptance, and love in those eyes. Vision goes both ways.

Is that also an unfolding of God’s loving character? I can’t help but think so. And what unspeakable glory there is in that.

— Theresa Fryer 

Sun Apr 2 Palm SundayCan I Trust This?
Matt 21:1-11

Readings for Maundy Thursday
Will I Let You In?
John 13:1-17, 31b-35

Good Friday Stations of the Cross 
512 172 Street, 10 am -12 pm
Self-guided walk of reflection offered at Kingfisher Farm.

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Progress Pride Flag by Daniel Quasar (link)

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