Living Into The Vision – Table, Well, Seed and Net – 4 Foundational Images
During September, we are looking at the 4 images chosen to shape us and express our vision — table well, seed, and net. Â These will be discussion-based, interactive Sundays meant to help us deepen our self-understanding and sense of mission as a church. Â The leadership team will use these discussions as food for thought as we write a fresh mission/vision statement for the church. We are excited to see what new actions and ways of being church will flow out of our renewed vision.
 At Southpoint, belonging isn’t about being in or out, it is about moving towards a common center, drawn by a common thirst.
Here are some questions that will help deepen and guide our discussions each Sunday:
- What scriptures come to mind as you consider the image of the week?
- How does this image, along with personal experience and scripture, help us understand who we are as a church. What does it mean for us, as a church, to embody this image?
- What actions can we take as a church as a response to this image? (They can be very small and simple, or very big! Just dream…)
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