Living the Vision – Well
In September, we explored the 4 core images chosen by the founders of Southpoint to express our self-understanding as a church. They are words of INVITATION, describing who God wants to be FOR US. They are also words of PROMISE, describing what God wants to do THROUGH US.
There comes a time when words groan to be made flesh, when we shift from hearing the vision to living the vision. We don’t want to be a church that has a lovely vision but rather a church that is a lovely vision.
How does the word become flesh in us? How do we become the table, the well, the seed, and the net? This month, we are going back to our four core images, asking not “What do the symbols mean?”, but “How do we grow into them, and they in us?” We welcome your prayer and participation in this ongoing discussion.
Sunday, November 4th, Anne will lead us in our reflections on the image of the “Well.”
Following church there will be lunch at the Hardy’s to thank Laura for her time of service with Southpoint. Thank you to Todd, Deb, Kim, Anne, and Lynne who have volunteered to make soup. Will the rest of you please bring an offering of bread or cookies? (A few gluten free varieties would be helpful.) We will also have an opportunity to watch the documentary on Murray and the artists chosen to paint the stunning natural beauty of the area of the proposed pipeline. This film got a great response at the Vancouver Film Festival. Thank you to Murray for sharing it with us.
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