God Doesn’t Call Us To Go It Alone (6)

2 Kings 2:1-12

This Lent, we will be drawing from A Sanctified Art’s Lenten Series, “Wandering Heart: Figuring out Faith with Peter.”  We are calling our series, “Not All Who Wander are Lost.” 

Here are a few quotes from A Sanctified Art’s series summary to whet your appetite: 

“Like many of us, Peter has a wandering heart. His journey is not polished, or linear, or perfect, but he is always tethered to the love of God. When you look closely at Peter’s story, you find Jesus at each step along the way—offering him abundance, catching him when he begins to sink, challenging him when he stands in the way, washing his feet, predicting his betrayal, and offering him agap? love. This Lent, we’re joining Peter in figuring out faith.”

“… We want to affirm that wandering is exploration, [and] not necessarily distance from God. We want to affirm the ways Peter keeps going: he drops his nets, he walks on water, he runs to the empty tomb, he swims to the shore to meet the risen Christ. He keeps searching and yearning and loving, even after missteps or mistakes.”

“This Lent, we will look for ourselves in the stepping stones of Peter’s story. We will reflect on the stages of our own faith journeys as well as who and what has shaped us along the way.”

Things to anticipate
One of the inspirations for A Sanctified Art’s series is the hymn,“Come Thou Fount”. There is a line in this song that goes, “Tune our Hearts to sing your praise.” Have a listen here to Audrey Assad’s version.

We will have a sung liturgy for our candle lighting. As we sing it, we will tune our hearts to Christ.

Our visual theme is wandering the labyrinth. When you arrive, there will be a table with a small labyrinth on it. You are invited to choose a small stone that represents you. Place that stone on the Lenten labyrinth, choosing a place on the labyrinth that mirrors where you feel you are today. Maybe, as you leave the sanctuary, you will feel you want to move your stone to a different place? We are a wandering people, on the move, and in the midst of ongoing change and transformation.

Our Lenten journey will culminate at Kingfisher Farm on Good Friday, where we will walk the labyrinth together as part of our Stations of the Cross.

Deep peace and blessing, 


Rev. Anne Baxter Smith
Pastor, The Church at Southpoint 

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