Refresh: Making Friends
This summer we’ve been talking about refreshment. What if the things we need to refresh us are right within our reach? What if they are knit into the very fabric of creation? What if we instinctively know what we need? What if we learned to listen to our bodies, the way children so easily do?
Our children have reminded us that playing, resting, being outside, delighting in beauty, moving our bodies, feeling our feelings, and having friends is part of our birthright as children of God. All of these are ways we participate in the abundance of life God has provided for us.
This past Sunday, we remembered the openness little children have to making new friends, and the refreshing feeling of being with friends. We talked about making friends with our feet: as we turn our bodies towards new people and open up space in our circle for them, we allow them in. Then, we can step towards them with curiosity and openness.
I also interviewed Madison Friesen, our new Community Life Coordinator. We discovered that he is an explorer of ideas and the outdoors. He loves words, sentences, poems, climbing, pizzas heavily laden with vegetables, Emma (his wife), friends (evidenced by the row of A Rocha interns who came to support him), and a good dance session. If you’d like to know more about Madison, be on the lookout for the podcast. Better yet, invite him for coffee!
It has been a few years since Angela left her position as Community Engagement Coordinator and her duties were absorbed by other people. We are re-consolidating these duties back into this new role. Here are some changes you can expect this fall as he begins:
Anne has been the team leader for Sunday kids talk and kid’s groups, organizing the volunteers each week and writing the curriculum for the children’s talks and group times downstairs. Madison will now cover this.
Anne and Madison will collaborate in planning our ALL IN’s, and Madison will organize a service-oriented ALL OUT in October.
Anne will step back from working with the youth, and Madison and Jen will co-lead the monthly small group for our two youth groups. (After sharing pizza all together, Madison will take the older youth and Jen the younger youth for small group time).
Katie Hardy will step back from organizing our once-a-month youth fun activity, and Madison will take over.
Karin will step back and Madison will take over ensuring our Vulnerable Persons Protocol is up to date and being implemented.
Madison will plan fun seasonal intergenerational activities, like our ice-skating party. (Our goal is one per season, so four times a year).
In addition, we are delighted that Madison will have time to spend time with our children and youth and get to know our community.
Once we have a sense of how many hours per week this will take, we can assess what else will or won’t fit on his plate. We are committed to finding that 20 hr/week sweet spot.
Welcome Madison. We are so glad you are with us!
Rev. Anne Baxter Smith
Pastor, Church at Southpoint
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