Refresh: New Beginnings

An Official Welcome from the Canadian Association for Baptist Freedoms (CABF)

Marlene Knowles, President of the CABF, reached out to Anne and the Leadership Team earlier this week to say: “On June 3, 2023, the members of CABF were delighted to vote to accept the application of The Church at Southpoint for membership. Welcome! We look forward to working for many years in collaboration and cooperation as we serve our God.”

CABF is a growing Canada-wide fellowship composed of both individuals and churches. Our application, and that of Kitsilano Christian Community Church, had been recommended by the Council earlier this spring was ratified by the full membership on Saturday.

Currently, member churches are located in Nova Scotia, Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia. CABF seeks to be a safe and welcoming environment in which Baptists can share all concerns and points of view without fear of being marginalised. Their vision statement is “Baptists freely seeking, living, sharing and celebrating justice, peace and love under the lordship of Christ”.  The CABF is partnered with Canadian Council of Churches and the Alliance of Baptists.

A first annual CABF “Cross-Canada” Retreat will be held at First Baptist Edmonton (also a new member) from Oct 23-26 with the goal of gathering, learning, encouraging and blessing one another as we continue to move forward in the journey of being and building up the CABF community. 

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