Greeting, Southpointers!
Anne is away camping with Craig, holidaying in her dear van, Mathilda Jane. We pray for her to experience the embodiment of our summer theme: Refresh! She’ll be back in two weeks. Read on, below, for some pretty great options for us as a community to practice living into our theme in July and August.
In Anne’s absence Karin has caught up on publishing meditations from the last two months.
Easter Season
(1) Fresh Hope — Anne Baxter Smith
(2) Fresh Mercy — Anne Baxter Smith
(3) Fresh Vision — David Morrison
(4) Fresh Voices — Lee Kosa
Summer Series “Refresh”
(1) Slow Down, Breath, Be Like a Child — Brent Unrau
(2) Rest — Anne Baxter Smith
(3) Play — Anne Baxter Smith
(4) Being Curious and Present — Anne Baxter Smith
Closing here with a quote from Anne’s Sunday’s meditation…
At this moment, in this place, as in all moments and all places, God IS. Yahweh, “I am”. Therefore, this moment and this place and all moments and all places—even in the burning, even in the suffering—are holy, because God is within it. So life itself is the burning bush and our survival is a miracle, and the holiness is that, after all you have been through, you are HERE: your life a burning bush, your life holy ground. What if we took off our shoes and sat with that for a while?
Deep peace.
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