Refreshing the Earth

The Season of Creation

This summer, I hope you have experienced refreshment. I hope you have found meaning in remembering your birthright as children of the earth and children of God. God has knit into your created bodies the ability to rest, play, feel, move, reach out, and experience delight within creation. As summer comes to a close, we are widening our lens to include all of creation. It is God’s desire that the right to refreshment and renewal would be extended to all the corners of the Earth. 

On September 2nd, we begin a new season of the church year, the Season of Creation. The Season of Creation is an annual, global celebration to pray and respond to the cry of Creation. We will join in this ecumenical celebration once again this year, uniting to listen and care for our common home (link).

This year’s theme is “Let justice and peace flow”. In Amos 5:24, the prophet Amos cries out, “Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!” We are invited to join this river:

“We are called to join the river of justice and peace, to embrace climate and ecological justice, and to speak out with and for communities that are most impacted by climate injustice and biodiversity loss.

Our prayers must call for justice not only for human beings, but for all creation. In covenant with peace, we are called to repent of our ecological sins and to change our attitudes and actions….

… The urgency is growing and we must make peace with the Earth and on the Earth visible, while justice calls us to repentance and a change of attitude and actions. When we join the river of justice and peace with others, it creates hope instead of despair.”

It is time to release our fixation with narrow denominational identities and national loyalties to join together, like streams flowing into a watershed, refreshing the earth.

Deep peace and blessing,

Rev. Anne Baxter Smith
Pastor, Church at Southpoint

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