Southpoint News August 19, 2018

Surprise Visitors

I was walking across the farm at night, heading over to Leah’s to ask her a quick question.  I know the way and all its obstacles, so I left the house expediently, not bothering to grab a flash light, glasses, or shoes. Suddenly, there she was.  A large doe, under the apple tree by the farmhouse, eating the fallen apples.  Surprised by each other’s presence only a few feet away, we looked each other in the eye for a few moments before heading off in our separate directions.

This morning, I was thinking about a friend of Johanna’s.  I knew she was having a rough time, and that she wanted to talk to me. Maybe I should text her? Let her know I’m happy to meet up?   I got out of bed, padded into the kitchen in my pajamas. I was sticking dishes in the dishwasher, grumbling under my breath at whomever had forgotten to finish last night’s loading. When I turned around to grab the next dish off the island, there she was. This friend, standing right in front of me.  A surprise visitor. Apparently I had gone to bed too early to get the sleepover memo:)

She has just left.  We’ve had coffee,  breakfast, more coffee, then lunch.  When she left for work, after borrowing some makeup, it was with a plan in her back pocket: a budget for the year, clarified desires for her future, boundaries she would set with her family, a list of little things that help her feel calm.

Today was the day I was supposed to come up with that great game plan for us – the fall’s preaching schedule.  But thank you, Southpoint. Thank you for being the kind of church that lets me pastor with my whole heart. That lets me deviate from the play book. That lets me color outside the lines of “in and out”.  Today I spent the day with an unexpected visitor. I trust that the God who led her to my door will lead me into truths we can feast on together this fall. In the meantime, as we enter this last month of summer, may we let ourselves be surprised and redirected by Divine Love, in all her manifestations and forms. Be praying for the youth in our community, and for those who show up regularly at your door.

Peace be with you.



We want to press into praying for one another. If you feel the need for prayer, we want to support you. You needn’t push through on your own.  Here are a few ways you can make your need known:
•  Most Sundays there are people waiting after the service, available to pray with whomever feels the need.  Simply come up to the front.
• If you don’t see anyone, approach Anne, and she’ll make sure you have someone to pray with you before you leave.
• Approach Anne and let her know you’d like to meet up for conversation and prayer.
• Write to John and Wendy Hardy and ask them to  share your prayer request with our prayer team.
• Share your prayer request with your gathering group, and ask your group to pray with you.
• Write to and ask us to include your prayer request in the Southpoint News.
August Calendar

Sunday, August 19 – “Stories of Divine Love” – Roland and Maryanne Balzer

Sunday, August 22 – ALL OUT SUNDAY: Gathering Groups

Sunday, September 2 – “Stories of Divine Love” – Jodi Tilitzky

Sunday, September 9 – Kick-Off Sunday!

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