Southpoint News February 9, 2016


Lent is early this year. Even though I have been reading through the texts of Lent and mulling over the themes latent within these texts, it is catching me off guard. It seems odd to return last night from the Feast of Playful Togetherness of the Winter Retreat only to be cast out tomorrow to the Table of Barrenness which is Lent. How do I personally make this switch? How do I facilitate this shift for our community?

I take comfort in remembering that this sudden shift is exactly what happened to Jesus.  One day he was being lifted up out of the waters of the Jordan, rivulets of water pouring down his back, light pouring onto his face, the favor of God pouring over his soul, the steadiness of John’s hand on his shoulders – LAVISH ABUNDANCE.  The next day he was being cast out alone, without food, without drink, into the hot dry wilderness, to suffer, to sweat, to cry – SCARCITY.

And is this not the rhythm of life? We move back and forth, back and forth, between emptiness and fullness, consolation and desolation, fruitfulness and fallow-ness, longing and fulfillment, creativity and rigidity. The challenge for us, like Jesus, is to maintain our posture of trust and dependence at both tables.

If we live long enough, we will find ourselves sitting at both the table of scarcity and the table of abundance. In Lent, we intentionally choose the table of scarcity. We let go of something so that we will experience a deeper kind of hunger.  It is kind of like germinating seeds by putting them in the greenhouse. By putting ourselves in the wilderness, we are creating the spiritual conditions that bring on a certain kind of growth.  Entering Lent with intention can deepen our experience of Resurrection.

Here is a wonderful little article that mentions some thought-provoking ways of entering into Lent this year.  Read it with curiosity, and pay attention to where the Spirit might be casting you this Lent.

LENTEN LECTIO GROUP: Monday Evenings @ 8:30, Kingfisher Farm
I will be facilitating a lenten lectio divina group around the lectionary readings during lent.  We will be meeting in a little room on Kingfisher farm that is somewhat hard to find. If you are interested, let me know and I will make sure you find me:)


February 10th:   Ash Wednesday Contemplative Prayer Space
7-8 pm, Shiloh Shelter, Kingfisher Farm

February 14th:   Sunday Service @ 11:15, beginning of Lent

February 16th:   Next Parent’s meet up for folk with little ones will be at Michelle Jacksons, 9:30 -11.

February 21st:   ALL OUT: Pot-luck house church breakfasts
Sunnyside will be having its AGM this morning, so the sanctuary will not be available to us.

                        Instead of gathering  at Sunnyside, sign up to be a part of a small group pot luck breakfast and we’ll place                            you in a home

February 28th:   Sunday Service @ 11:15

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