Southpoint News July 14, 2017


A Sent People
Life has a certain irony about it. I chose a theme for the summer – what it means to be a sent people. Then, last week I learned that Sunnyside United will be the new administrative hub for the amalgamated UCC churches and that my office will be moving. My new office? In Third Space, the new community centre started by the UCC churches last spring. My proposed moving date, which we arrived at yesterday after deliberation with the ministers? This Sunday! Can we all chuckle for a moment at the irony of this? I am being sent out of my little oasis of light and quiet into the thick of a community outreach. God, you do have a sense of humour. Thank you for not letting me talk the talk without having to walk the walk. The wind is blowing, God is on the move. So, here is my invitation to you. If you are able, can you come on Sunday? We will have a shortened service around this theme of sentness as Markku, our scheduled speaker, will not be able to speak in the end. We will be taking a portion of my office contents to my new space, as well as moving the children’s nursery equipment out into the narthex, creating a new space for them as well. And, if anyone can wrangle up a truck and boxes, can you let me know? I will have no time to prep beforehand as my mom had knee replacement surgery this week and I will be helping her. I am confident, however, that we can muddle through together on Sunday.

Peace be with you!


Gleaners in Oliver, BC
Sunday 27 –  Thursday 31, August. There are almost twenty people planning to attend – we have room for a handful more. Would you like to come, too? It’s service-oriented in the morning followed by relaxing and connecting in the afternoon & evening. Contact


Summer Services
Invited, Empowered, and Sent: Sharing our Stories

July 23 ALL OUT – Meet in Gathering Groups

July 30 Anne Smith

August 7 Ruth des Cotes Imago Dei

August 13 David Evans-Carlson Counselling youth

August 20 Jen Hubbard Youth Unlimited

August 27 ALL OUT – Meet in Gathering Groups


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