Southpoint News March 28, 2018
The Face of Hate. The Face of Love.
Good Friday, 2018, Kingfisher Farm
I recently picked up a book by Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard called Killing Jesus, a History. As historical investigative writers, their goal was to view Jesus’ death against the backdrop of the political, cultural, and religious forces that made Jesus’ death inevitable. I was reminded as I read the book, that hate and violence weren’t the exceptions at the time of Jesus. They were the norms. Torture, mutilation, and death to any and all that threatened the power structures was assumed. Jesus was not the only “revolutionary” to be crucified. There was good reason the disciples were terrified, hiding behind locked doors, after Jesus’ crucifixion. The normalcy of hate and violence makes Jesus’ posture of love all the more revolutionary. But, when you step back and see this stance of love not just as revolution, but as revelation, specifically as the revelation of Divine Love, then you are beginning to see the miracle of Good Friday. Usually, hate begets more hate. Violence simply spirals on and on and on. But on Good Friday, hate begat more love: “Father, forgive them. They know not what they do.” Moving from Palm Sunday to Easter without pondering Good Friday is flat and one dimensional. For this reason, at Southpoint we create space at Kingfisher Farm for anyone to come and ponder the costliness of Jesus’ choice to love. If you come, you will find stations of the cross scattered throughout the woods. You will find objects to hold and touch, words to pray, and plenty of space to think your thoughts. There will be prompts to help all ages remember Jesus’ death, but no one will orchestrate your steps. You can go at your own pace, arrive when you want, leave when you want, anytime between 10 am -1 pm. “Blessed is the One who laid himself down, Blessed is the One emptied for us, Blessed is the One wearing the shroud.” Jan Richardson
Pastor Anne Smith
Celebrating Easter Together
It’s our annual tradition to bring creation into the church building with us to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. Please bring flowers and fronds to decorate our cross with joy. Afterwards we’ll feast together! Please bring finger food to share: baked goods, veggie trays, fruit platters… Church may be more full than usual so if you can extend the table, so much the better. Thank you, as ever, for this offering of hospitality! Southpoint does this so well.
Love Unveiled: Calendar
Friday the 30th, March: Good Friday, Hate Unveiled. Drop-in Contemplative Time at Kingfisher Farm, 10 am – 1 pm: 512 172 Street, Surrey
Snday the 1st, April: Easter Sunday, Love Unveiled at Sunnyside church building, 10:00 am. Please bring flowers and greenery to decorate the cross and food to share with each other!
Sunday the 8th, April: Easter season at Sunnyside church building, 10:00 am
Sunday the 15th, April: Easter season at Sunnyside church building, 10:00 am
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