Southpoint News May 12, 2018
“Love each other as I have loved you.“
John 15:12
Jesus never said, “Love others as they love you. Treat others as they treat you.” He never said, “Repay love with love, forgiveness with forgiveness, and hate with hate. He never said return snarky defensiveness with snarky defensiveness and stingy self-giving with stingy self-giving. He only said, “Love those around you in the same manner that I HAVE LOVED YOU.” Jesus compels us to pass along the grace and favour that Jesus has shown us. We forgive each other’s sins as Jesus forgave ours. We pray for those who mistreat us, because Jesus prays for us. We gaze upon one another as “Beloved” because we have felt God’s loving gaze upon us. Jesus is stating that he wants our actions towards one another to be a response to how Jesus loves us. Cynthia Bourgeault describes this as a love related not to outcome but to a wellspring. It’s a source of strength that wells up and flows from within, flowing from God’s heart to ours to the world. My parents had their 60th wedding anniversary this week. While celebrating over a meal, we asked them how they have stayed together for 60 years and still seem to love one another. Here’s a snapshot of their responses:
We realize that marriage is hard work. We accept that.
We realize we couldn’t do it without God’s grace.
We have learned over time to let each other be, to now make such a big deal out of the small things anymore.
We laugh a lot at ourselves, particularly at our mistakes.
We show each other lots of grace.
This isn’t the “Let’s go skipping on the beach together holding hands because we’re both beautiful” love of Instagram posts. It is the love that helps us lay down that great big sack of self and respond to difficult moments out of the grace we’ve been given. It’s the love that compels us to act on one other’s behalf, even when it is not in our self-interest or convenient in the moment. I’m not advocating a codependent love without boundaries. Jesus had boundaries. Jesus structured his days so he had time to rest and pray. Jesus took time to sit around the fire to roast fish and chat with friends. He stuck to his mission and didn’t let himself be sidetracked by others’ concerns and desires for him. However, Jesus didn’t erect personal boundaries as a wall that excused him from loving. He served, he healed, he gave, not out of duty or obligation, but out of desire. Out of love. Because we are his beloved.
Pastor Anne Smith
A Well in Haiti!
Thank you for your generous gift of $1,026.91 that you sent to Lifewater Canada on 29/01/2018. Your support is deeply appreciated and will help local people obtain safe water, sanitation and basic health/ hygiene training. ??I am just writing to update you on how we are using your donation. We wired your money to Lifewater’s team of local men and women in Haiti. The team has recently used your gift to make a life-saving project become a reality. ??We invite you to visit and search for Project#: H 18-W022. Enjoy seeing first-hand how your donation helped drill a village well for the people of “College Etzer villaire de Port Margot’ in Haiti.?
May Calendar
Sunday, May 13; 10:00 am: Worship at Sunnyside, with guest speaker from Himalayan Life
Tuesday, May 15 & 29; 6:00 pm: Youth Mentorship at Pastor Anne’s
Sunday, May 20; 10:00 am: Worship at Sunnyside – Pentecost Sunday
Sunday, May 26; 8:30-3:30 pm: Labyrinth Prayer Workshop?To register: visit Soulstream (
Sunday, May 27; 10:00 am?Worship at Sunnyside: ALL IN & Family Meeting & Potluck
Southpoint for Newcomers:
“Why nuts in the offering basket?” In this age of electronic interactions, we want to symbolize the act of giving for our children. The nuts are a visible expression of online giving happening behind the scenes. Feel free to put one in the basket if you give on-line.
“How can I give on-line?” There is a link on our Southpoint webpage for donations. Pre-arranged monthly giving is also available. Simply contact Southpoint’s financial admin wizard, Sarah McEvoy ( for forms and instructions.
“I’d like prayer.” It is our delight and duty to pray for one another. If you have a prayer need, you may come up for prayer after the service, or you may pass on your request to John Hardy who heads up our prayer chain.
“I’d like to serve.” We have volunteer teams for almost every aspect of our service (greeting, serving coffee, teaching kids, serving communion, etc). We encourage everyone who attends regularly to join a team. Worship is a communal offering – many hands make glad hearts and light work! To explore how you may get involved, please contact Anne or Angela.
“What are Gathering Groups?” We have six ALL OUT Sundays a year. On these Sundays, we meet in smaller intergenerational gathering groups that help us practice being neighbours to one another. In these groups, we eat, play, swap stories, adventure, pray, and serve. Gathering group members also function as “first responders” should someone in their group have a need. Some gathering groups find times to meet more often. If you are new and would like to join a Gathering Group, please contact Anne.
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