Southpoint News May 4, 2018
I am the Vine
There are so many moments our church could have withered and died. Despite our mistakes and crooked lines, despite our moments of dysfunction and poor judgement, despite the fact that we are in process, messy, and very much ON THE WAY, the fruit of Divine Love is in our midst. Jesus has forgiven us and held us fast. We are learning to hold fast to Jesus and forgive one another. We are growing in our ability to love one another and welcome one another. God is making beauty out of our life together, good fruit of bread and wine to offer the hunger of the world. Iam grateful to be a part of this body. Together we declare the good news that the branch, cast off and left hanging on a cross to wither and die, has risen from the grave and is now the true Vine, filled with Life. Together we proclaim that Jesus has not left us to be pruned branches, cut off, left to wither on the ground. Jesus collects us, forgives us, and holds us fast, attaching us to himself, our wounds to his wounds. Jesus is in us – we are not alone. Together we turn our hearts back towards the Divine Love in Jesus, especially when we wander. We can do nothing on our own, but when we abide in him, we cannot help but bear fruit. It’s just how it is. So we practice love – learning to love one another, as Jesus loved us. Together we proclaim that even in the face of death, which seems so permanent, we are held fast by Jesus. There is a connection that is possible, with Jesus, and with one another, that death cannot overcome.
Pastor Anne Smith
Is This You?
We are looking for teachers for our kids’ learning time (during adult meditation). We would love to increase our base of teachers so that there can be a rotation that does not feel too demanding. It would be great to have three classes instead of two as our Sapling group is around 18 kids now! There is resource help and Angela would be happy to provide mentorship if that would be helpful. This is a tangible way that we build relationships with our children and provide spiritual care and learning opportunities.
Southpoint for Newcomers
Conkers: If you are new to Southpoint, you might be puzzled by the little brown nuts in the offering basket? In this age of electronic interactions, how do we symbolize the act of giving to our children? The nuts are visible expression of the online giving happening behind the scenes. Feel free to take one and put one in the basket if you give on-line. POP tithe forms, which allow you to support Southpoint electronically on a pre-arranged monthly basis, are available.
May Calendar
Sunday, May 6; 10:00 am: Worship at Sunnyside
Tues., May 8, 15 & 29; 6:00 pm: Youth Mentorship at Pastor Anne’s
Tues., May 8; 7:00 pm: Leadership Team Meeting
Sunday, May 13; 10:00 am: Worship at Sunnyside, with guest speaker from Himalayan Life
Sunday, May 20; 10:00 am: Worship at Sunnyside: Pentecost Sunday
Saturday, May 26; 8:30-3:30 pm: Labyrinth Prayer workshop. To register: Please go to the SoulStream website.
Sunday, May 27; 10:00 am?Worship at Sunnyside: ALL IN & Family Meeting & Pot Luck Lunch
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