Southpoint News October 16, 2015
During these months of ordinary time we have been circling around one of our 4 core images, the image of the net, which is an image of connection, or more accurately, an image of reconnection. At Southpoint, we seek to be repairers of the net. We have been asking how in a culture marked by isolation and fragmentation, we can deepen our connections with God, with the unique material of our individual selves, with one another as a faith community, and with creation around us. Our desire is that God will shape, form, energize, and guide this deepening process. As this happens, we are participating in the reconciling ministry of Jesus.
As Jesus restores our relationships to God, our own selves, one another, and the world, we will find that our sense of togetherness deepens. Our sense of unity will solidify, and so will our sense of belonging. But for this to happen, we will also need to give each other room to be different from one another, to enjoy the unique individuality that God has knit into our beings and the uniqueness of our journeys towards wholeness with God. Unity does not equal uniformity. Cutting off those who are “OTHER” inevitably shuts down our capacity for true community. This too is a theme I’ve been teasing out this fall.
This Sunday, I will be talking about natural spiritual types or preferences and how these shape our instinctive approaches to worship. My hope is that by exploring these ideas, we will increase our understanding of one another and have a greater appreciation for the ways we might differ in our preferences for what church looks like on a Sunday morning. Hope to see you there:)
- October 16th – YOUTH GROUP @ Anne and Craig’s house
- October 24th – YOUTH GROUP
Refugee Response: Check out this link: and look for Hopeful Gifts of Change. At the start of 2015, there were 1.3 million Syrian refugees in Lebanon. CMB partners with churches in Lebanon to meet their needs. $40 will send a refugee child to a Love and Hope Camp. If $95 will provide a refugee family a food basket of basics for the month, a gift that will be matched 4:1 by the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. You will have fed a family for 4 months! That makes a difference!
Blood-Drive update: There is still enough time to donate twice more this year and help Southpoint meet our goal of 15 donations.
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