Southpoint News October 7, 2016
Southpoint News October 7, 2016
“Praise the LORD.Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
his love endures forever.” Psalm 106:1
As a leadership team, we thank you for your generosity to Southpoint. We are so grateful for all the many ways you have helped sustain, support, and grow our church family throughout this year. We are also grateful to God for carrying us. Over and over again we have seen God provide for our needs. God has provided us with a great rental space, solid leadership, oodles of children, wise elders, and new friends. We have been able to grow as a church, inwardly and outwardly, despite having limited staff hours and limited income. Surely God has been merciful to us. ??As we approach the task of creating a new budget for 2017, the leadership team would like to envision new ways of supporting this growth. We will be meeting to dream, pray, and vision together. During the month of October, regular attenders will have the opportunity to pledge what they are able to give to the life and ministry of Southpoint during 2017 so that we can shape a vision around your projected giving. These pledges will be anonymous. Be on the look out for your pledge envelopes this Sunday.?? As a growing church with a part-time pastor, every small act of service and love is felt and valued! If you are new to our church community and would like to deepen your involvement through giving and serving, please talk to Anne. She will be happy to help you find a fit that is right for you.
October Calendar
Sunday, October 9th – Thanksgiving Sunday, 11:15 am @ Sunnyside
Saturday, October 15th – ALL AGE ACTIVITY – BOSE CORN MAZE, 4 pm.
Join us at the Bose Corn Maze (64th Ave and 156th St, Surrey) for a fun Church @ Southpoint family time! Cost is $7/person or $23/family of 4; kids under 4 free. Meet us there, rain or shine, to conquer the maze and laugh a lot along the way. More info? Check out
Sunday, October 16th – “Open Door of Mercy Series, Speaker: Anne Smith, 11:15 @ Sunnyside
Friday, October 21st – Hot Dog Roast/Movie Night – youth and parents, ages 11-ish and up? 6 pm @ Kingfisher Farm. After eating, the youth will watch a movie while the adults envision what the future might look like as our youth grow in size and numbers. Bring a side dish to share and your ideas:)
Sunday, October 23rd – ALL OUT SUNDAY in gathering groups.
Sunday, October 30th – “Open Door of Mercy Series, Speaker: Roxy Humphreys, 11:15 @ Sunnyside
October 15th – Big Old Barn Concert – THE KWERKS!!!?Ryan and Laura (The Kwerks) will be doing a concert at the Kingfisher Farm barn on Oct 15th. It’s going to be a fun night of music, chai, and maybe even some new holiday music that will be on their upcoming holiday EP! Come out for a fun night, and bring a blanket! Kids are $5! Tickets $20
Friday, November 4th: “The Compassion Experience”
Northview Community Church
While we’d particularly like to include our Southpoint Sapling and Youth groups, this outing is open to all. Interested? Please contact Jen for further information and carpooling arrangements. Hands-on experience is often the best way to understand something new–but we can’t always travel to learn about another culture. The Compassion Experience invites us to visit another world without leaving ours!? ?Friday, Nov 4, our Saplings and 13+ small group will journey to Kenya (and beyond) through the Compassion Experience at Northview Church in Abbotsford.? ?You can find further info at We hope you’ll think about joining us.
Let Israel hope in the LORD: for with the LORD there is mercy,
and with him is plenteous redemption.
Psalm 130:7
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