Southpoint News – September 30, 2018

Sep 27, 2018

Salt and Light

Jesus liked to tell stories. He didn’t tell stories to give easy answers. He told stories to get us wondering about things we’ve always taken for granted. He wanted us to see old familiar things in new ways.   As we read the parables of Jesus, its important to listen not just to the words but to the questions his words provoke in us. When Jesus’ words leave you wondering, pay attention.

Today, salt is cheap. In Jesus’ day, however, it was so expensive that folk used it as a form of currency. Salt was essential in preserving food and in fertilizing soil. Salt was also a part of temple sacrifices.  Since salt was both essential for survival and expensive to purchase, it would be a great loss for your salt to loose its essence. (If that was even possible – commentators debate that one.)  Light, like salt, is pretty essential. Our world would be pretty cold and dark without it.

I wonder what the disciples thought about themselves.

I wonder how they viewed their worth?  The significance of their presence and actions? When Jesus was telling them they were SALT and LIGHT, I wonder if he was turning upside down the way these fishermen and tax collectors saw themselves.

It’s kind of scary to think that we might matter that much to the world. That there is something about our essence that could be that life-giving, that essential, that valuable.  Something in us that is worth both protecting and exposing.

The Law was also called the “salt and light of the world”. There goes Jesus, mixing everything up again, using those same words to describe his disciples. YOU – your presence, your lives, your actions, your words – YOU: salt and light of the world.

Who we are, what we say, and what we do – it all matters.

We make this world a healthier place. Or…. not.

Hold on to your essence – God’s life in you.

Expose your brightness – God’s light in you.

You matter.


The Well: The artist guild of the Church at Southpoint

If you are ages 11-99 and would like the opportunity to create together based on the themes and stories of our Sunday morning worship services come down to Kingfisher Farm this Friday.   We’re going to explore God’s movement in our lives, our community and our world through visual art, music and drama.  We’ll meet the 2nd and 4th Fridays of Sept, Oct and Nov.


No previous experience necessary – all levels welcome!

Please rsvp to Angela this week so she knows who to expect.


October: Community Lectio Divina

September is such a period of adjustment. Kids and grandkids go off to school, activities and routines start back up again. It’s all a bit of a blur. Then October comes. The days grow cooler and bit darker, creation gives hints of slowing down.  In this season of change, I’d like to offer space to our community for our hearts and minds to slow down as well.

Lectio Divina is an ancient form of prayer using scripture which can be practiced in community or by yourself. If you are interested in practicing this prayer,  we will gather in the Shiloh Shelter of Kingfisher Farm on 4 Tuesday mornings in October. Afterwards, feel free to extend the spaciousness by walking to the beach or through the woods, or simply sitting in the late autumn light.

October 2,9,16,23
Location: Shiloh Shelter,
Time: Tuesdays,  9:30-10:30 am.


Fall 2018 Ordinary Time:

The Flow of Love: Where the Rubber Meets the Road

September 30th:
“Blessed are the Poor in Spirit”
Mt. 5:17-30
“I Can’t Do it On My Own”

October 7th:
“Holy Ground”
“I am Grateful”

October 14th:
“Blessed are those who mourn”
Mt. 5:31-37
“I am Sorry”

October 21st:
“Blessed are the Meek”, Mt. 5:38-48
“Do I really want to Love?”

October 28th:
ALL OUT – Gathering Groups
“Blessed are those who Hunger for Righteousness”, Mt. 6:1-18
“Why am I doing this?”

November 4th:
“Blessed are the Pure in Heart”
Mt. 6:19-24
“What do I desire?”

November 11th:
“Blessed are the Merciful”, Mt. 7:1-12
“What if I let go of judgement?”

November 18th:
“Blessed are the Peacemakers”
Mt. 7:13-27
“Which is the way of peace?”

November 25th:
Christ the King Sunday: ALL IN + POT LUCK – Advent Preparation
(please bring plenty of food to share at our Pot Luck!)


An Announcement for the Men of Southpoint:

The Words of Your Life – Friday, Oct 19th.

We started with The Soundtrack of Your Life (2014), then did The Movies of Your Life (2015) and now after a three year-hiatus we’re returning to this theme with an evening of sharing the books, short stories, and poetry that shaped your life.

This IS NOT a list of your Top 10. This is a list of works that help to tell the story of your life. (e.g. I think the Macdonald Hall kids book series might land on my list since I read a lot of those my years of elementary school.)

Date: Friday, Oct 19th
Time: 7pm
Venue: TBD

What You Do:
1. List the titles of the works that were an important part of different phases of your life. Please keep the number reasonable and digestible to the rest of the group. (i.e. a list of 50 works isn’t going to stimulate as much conversation and 10 really well thought out ones. )

2. Limit this to a single sheet of paper. And, bring copies to pass around.

3. If you are up for it, write a description under each title that tells the story of the works’ relevance to your story. (If this sounds too much like work that would deter you from participating, just bring the list of titles. Don’t sweat the descriptions.)

4. Be prepared to briefly walk us through your list.

Please RSVP to Jason ( as soon as you can, so he can anticipate numbers and determine a place to host it.


Prayer Needs:

There are many prayer needs in our community right now. If you would like to join the prayer chain to be in more intentional prayer for our community, or if you have a need for prayer that you would like to pass on to the prayer chain, please contact John Hardy.

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