Southpoint News September 7, 2017
“This month shall mark for you a new beginning…” Exodus 12
Normally, after a month off in August, I am feeling ready for a new beginning. The year ahead feels spacious, and I have renewed energy to dream. This summer has been different. We’ve mostly been at home, except for Gleaners and a few short camping trips. I’ve spent my time thinking a lot about changes happening in my relationships – how to be a mom to Johanna as she goes off to university, how to support my parents in their aging, how to adjust to an empty nest with Craig, how to counsel Adam as he was deciding to switch to Earl Marriot for his grade 12 year, how to support Craig through the myriad of changes at Carey. I was caught off guard and unprepared for all these changes. I just haven’t had a lot of mental energy left over for big picture planning! These are small potatoes compared to the changes happening in our world. The escalation of global tension over North Korea’s nuclear testing, the rise and fall of flood waters in Bangladesh and Texas, the fires that swept through homes in BC and Washington, the current devastation of Hurricane Irma, Trump’s decision to halt the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program: all in the last few weeks. For many people, this month shall mark a new beginning, one which left them feeling caught off guard and unprepared – at the least. “This month shall mark for you a new beginning”. God spoke those words to the people of Israel on the eve of their departure from Egypt. The flight from Egypt was unexpected, disruptive, and increasingly terrifying as Pharoah sent an army in pursuit. God spoke these words at the very beginning of the event to reassure them: “This month shall mark for you a new beginning.” God spoke – not about what was ending, but – about what was beginning. He held out for them a vision of life that they, surrounded by chaos and change, as yet could not see. May we hold on to this reassurance: whatever has or is coming to an end, there remains a new beginning for each of us; which, in and of itself, is a gift of grace.
Pastor Anne Smith
Fall Ordinary Time: An Invitation
The weather is cooling, the leaves are starting to litter the forest floor behind my house. Fall is just around the corner, and with it comes a change to our Sunday morning focus. We will be shifting back to the lectionary starting this Sunday, letting the texts themselves lead us into the new beginning that God has prepared for us. What will we discover as we listen to the reality of these texts and the reality of our lives? What will God have to say to us? What will we have to say to God? I am curious about what might happen if we created space to listen to these texts collectively. I am wondering how your insights might shape my own. I would like to invite you into my weekly preparation for Sunday. I begin my preparations Tuesday mornings by praying through the text using a method called Lectio Divina. Would you like to join me in this time of preparation? You are invited! Tuesdays at 9:00 am @ Third Space.
Another Invitation!
Monthly Lectio workshops in the Shelter, Kingfisher Farm
Alternatively, you might want to create your own Lectio Divina practice around the lectionary texts, either alone, with family members, or with a few friends. I will host a lectio divina workshop one evening a month for the rest of ordinary time. During each workshop I will introduce you to this form of prayer. We will practice it together, and send you home with simple instructions which you can use to facilitate your own prayer. It is simple in form, deep in substance, and easy to share in community.
Youth are encouraged to come. Our October workshop will be geared to families with young children. See the Calendar section.
Sunday kids’ groups during church
Our Sunday class groups have changed a little, due to numbers. Starting this Sunday (Sept 10), our groups will be: the Sprouts (aged 3-6), a single class for boys & girls in grades 2-4, and a single class for boys & girls in grades 5-7. Directions will be given Sunday as to where the classes will be meeting.
A Request from the Benevolence Committee
As a church, we have an ongoing benevolence fund that we use to meet the needs of people within our community experiencing unexpected challenges and financial difficulties. The funds are allocated confidentially by a subcommittee of the leadership team. Our benevolence fund is low. We would like to be able to meet ongoing needs that arise in our community. If you would like to make a donation to the benevolence fund, please do so, noting on your donation specifically that this is your desire!
Please remember parts of the world affected by natural disasters: those affected by floods in Bangladesh and Houston, communities devastated by hurricane Irma, forest fires in BC and US…Pray for peace with North Korea…Pray for peace in Surrey and Langley (spate of shootings this week). Pray for encouragement for all those going back to school, both our teachers and students.
Ongoing: Lectio Divina with the Lectionary: Tuesdays at 9:00 am at Third Space
+13 Youth Small Group 6:00-8:00 pm, Fri. 8th & 22nd
Leadership Team meeting 7:00 pm, Tues. 12th
Lectio workshop at Kingfisher Farm 7:30 pm, Tues. 19th
All In Service Sun. 24th
Forgiveness Film 10:00 am Wed. 6th & 13th or ?7:00 pm Wed. 20 & 27th. This is a 2-part documentary offered through Third Space.
Leadership Team meeting 7:00 pm, Tues. 10th
+13 Youth Small Group 6:00-8:00 pm, Fri. 13th & 27th
Lectio workshop at Kingfisher Farm 7:30 pm, Tues. 24th. Child/family friendly
+13 Youth Small Group 6:00-8:00 pm, Fri. 10th & 24th
Leadership Team meeting 7:00 pm, Tues. 14th
Lectio workshop at Kingfisher Farm 7:30 pm, Tues. 21st
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