Southpoint News – Week of December 1st, 2019
Making Space
The church calendar year ended this past Christ the King Sunday with Jesus’ words, “And this is my command, that you love one another.” This Sunday we step into a new year. As daylight wanes, we find ourselves thrust back into the darkness of Advent, waiting with Israel for the Messiah who will bring peace to earth.
On a physical level, however, life ramps up around us: school parties and performances, assignments and exams, gift making and purchasing, decorating and wrapping, food prep and travel arrangements. Some have so much to do. Others look longingly at this activity, and feel more keenly the absences of life. Some are grieving, and the activity creates a profound inner dissonance, increasing a sense of isolation.
How do we blend these seasons – the activity of our culture with the waiting of Advent? How do we honor whatever hopes, dreams, fears and sadnesses we bear in our hearts in these days leading up to Christmas?
Our fall series was “Cultivating Conversations Around Things that Matter”. We made space in our service for conversations that would strengthen our friendship bench. We made space in our service to pray WITH our children. We made space to hear one another.
Our Advent theme simplifies and amplifies this theme. Now, we are simply “Making Space.” Space to watch for Christ, space to be held by our Creator, space to receive a fresh washing of the Spirit. As we make space, may God move within us and between us. May we experience a filling, a renewal of hope, joy, peace, and love in our lives.
December Calendar:
Sunday, Dec 1st – “Making Space to be Awake”
Sunday, Dec. 1st – Men’s Brewery Tour (details below)
Tuesday, Dec 3rd – Roots @ Anne and Craig’s
Tuesday, Dec 3rd – Making Space for Encouragement: For Parents of Young Children. 7:45 @ Colin and David’s.
Wednesday, Dec. 4th – “Fellowship of the Rings” – 6-7:30 @ Craig and Anne’s
Sunday, Dec 8 – Making Space for Encouragement: For Parents of High Schoolers.
7:30 @ Anne and Craig’s
Tuesday, Dec. 10th – Roots @ Anne and Craig’s
Sunday, Dec 15 – “Making Space for Patience”
Tuesday, Dec. 17th – Roots @ Craig and Anne’s
Wednesday, Dec 18th – Southpoint Central: Pot luck + Workshop: “Making Space for Encouragement” – Bob Ekblad on Listening Prayer (details below)
Friday, Dec. 20th – “Fellowship of the Rings” @ the Goodes
Sunday, Dec. 22 – “Making Space to be Called”
Sunday, Dec 22: Southpoint Skating Party (details below)
Monday, Dec 23rd: Christmas Eve Carol Service, 4 pm at Brooksdale
Sunday, Dec. 29th – ALL OUT
Southpoint Men
On Sunday, December 1st Southpoint men are heading to Parallel 49 Brewing Company for a tour of one of the finest brewing establishments in the lower mainland. Carpool straight from church, or meet us at Parallel 49 @ 12:45. We’ll have lunch at the brewery, and begin the Free tour shortly after. Hope to see you there!
Questions? Please see Max or Kevin.
Annual Skating Party
Centennial Arena – White Rock
Sunday, Dec. 22, 3-5pm
We’ll skate from 3-4 and hang out together from 4-5. Bring snacks to share (and puzzles and games if you’d like).
Budget for 2020
Our pledges for 2020 were $17,00 below budget. Our current giving is also below. A balanced budget will require the reduction of staff hours. The leadership team will be meeting Dec.12th to create a second budget draft. Please be in prayer for Southpoint. If you would like to increase your pledge amount, please contact Sarah or place a new amount in pledge jar the next 2 Sundays.
Making Space for Encouragement: Bob Ekblad and Listening Prayer.
Have you ever experienced the Spirit gifting you with a word, image, or scripture while you prayed for someone? How do you know when such an experience is of God or not? What can we learn from our charismatic brothers and sisters about the encouragement that can come through prayer?
At Southpoint, we have yet to cultivate space for conversations around such questions. During Advent, we have asked Bob Ekblad from Tierre Nueva to come and lead us in a time of conversation and teaching around listening for and discerning God’s voice in prayer. He will be joining us for Dec. 18th Southpoint Central, and then remain to share his experience and wisdom in this form of prayer.
For more on Bob Ekblad and Tierre Nueva, check out:
Making Space for Encouragement: For Parents
This Tuesday, Dec 3rd at 7:45, we’ll be gathering as parents of young children (ages 0-7) to reflect on our journey as paretns and to support, resource, and pray for one an other. Interested? Email for more information.
Sunday evening, Dec. 8th at 7:30 parents with high school youth are invited to Anne and Craig’s house to share our journey as parents and to support, resource, and pray for one another. Interested? Email for more information.
Have an Announcement? Prayer Request?
If you have an announcement for the newsletter, please send it fully prepared and edited to: by Tuesday. If you have a prayer request to share with our prayer chain, please contact
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