Southpoint News – Week of November 10th, 2019

Nov 06, 2019

Find your Loud

Have you seen Laura and Ryan’s new song, beautifully showcased by the music video Jason created, “Find Your Loud”?  If you haven’t, I can’t recommend it enough.  There are three narratives woven together. In each one, someone is moved, it seems to me by compassion, to take a small action towards someone. A distance seems to be breached because of this micro-movement, and something like love begins to seep quietly and gently into the storyline.  Something shifts, softens, heals.

This Sunday, we acknowledged that sometimes our hearts are open and clear, able to respond compassionately to one another.  Other times, our hearts are closed, shut down, unable to feel or respond.

We named this reality as our starting place, without judgement or shame, as part of our human experience.  Can you identify that feeling of being cut off, closed down, hardened? Do you know that feeling of being attuned, empathetic, responsive and open?

We named together how certain things cause us to shut down, blocking the love of God that seeks to flow through us: a feeling of powerlessness, the largeness of the need, fatigue, a desire to fix things, tribalism, busy schedules,  burnout, fear,  greed, self-interest, legalism, cynicism,  even grief  – all of these can cause us to shut down.

We also explored some of the ways we “unstick” our hearts so that the love of God has more access to our inner being and outer movements. Paying attention to our bodies, breathing, identifying the resistance, acknowledging pride, forgiving, praying, asking for the Spirit’s help – all of these can help us shift back into a more open place of compassion.

It’s important that we notice this on a micro-level in our own hearts. It’s important to breathe into those moments, opening ourselves up to God’s presence so that we can slowly shift into a more unclenched place within, allowing God’s love room to flow more freely through us.

Of course, as is so often the case, I have had to practice what I preach –  already!  Yesterday, I felt my heart go to that closed off place. I felt cross. Cynical. A bit bitter.  And to be honest, I didn’t want to let go because feeling guarded made me feel safe and in control.

But today, that feeling had grown old.  I wanted a more spacious heart. So I sat. I breathed. I prayed. I unclenched my heart to God. Then to the world. Then to critters wanting my attention.  Then to the people around me. Then to the act of writing this newsletter.

As I write this, I am listening to Laura and Ryan singing, ‘Doom, doom doom, dona.”

As I listen, I am realizing that in this small step of unclenching,  I am finding my loud:)

Fall Sunday Calendar

11/10 –  Responsibility and Accountability
         Gal 6:1-6

11/17 – Inspiration
         Romans 12:9-21 

11/24 – ALL IN: Christ the King Sunday –  Joy
         John 15:1-17


We are really in need of one more teacher for our Sprouts class.  This is a class of 3-6 kids between the ages of 3-7.  We would be happy to ease you in gently by joining as an observer first and then a leader.  It would mean once a month participation.  This is an asap need – please contact Angela if you can help

Up and Coming:

NEXT Southpoint Central:

Nov 20th at the Hardy house.
Time: 6-7:30

Bring a pot-luck dish to share!

Winter Retreat:

Location changed due to cancellation.


Have an Announcement? Prayer Request?

If you have an announcement for the newsletter, please send it fully prepared and edited to: by Tuesday.  If you have a prayer request to share with our prayer chain, please contact

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