Southpoint News – Week of October 13th, 2019
Rick Faw came and lead a bible study with our Roots group on the Genesis 1 and 2 creation stories. He helped us see that God DELIGHTS in creation, and God loves sharing that delight with us. God is delighted by our delight!! Isn’t that a wonderful thought? That we delight God’s heart simply by delighting in the wonder around us?
I wonder what you might be able to delight in this Thanksgiving weekend? Think about it a bit. Slow down enough to really see, taste, hear, smell, and feel the goodness of this earth that is our home, the goodness of this life that is your own.
“Listen to your life. See it for the fathomless mystery it is. In the boredom and pain of it, no less than in the excitement and gladness: touch, taste, smell your way to the holy and hidden heart of it, because in the last analysis all moments are key moments, and life itself is grace.” – Frederick Buechner
What moments capture your attention this week? What moments make you sit back, take a breathe of gratitude, and think, “Ah, yes. The presence of God is with me here.”
Fall Sunday Calendar
10/13 – Freedom, Part 2
Gal 5:13-2
10/20 – Vulnerability
Colossians 3:12-14
10/27 – ALL OUT –
11/3 – Actions
1 John 3:16-24
11/10 – Responsibility and Accountability
Gal 6:1-6
11/17 – Inspiration
Romans 12:9-21
11/24 – ALL IN: Christ the King Sunday – Joy
John 15:1-17
A note from the Leadership Team:
In light of our opening our discussion regarding a proposed sabbatical for our pastor Anne,
/files/11b76a6f-2413-4254-9bb3-e259a9769625/SabbaticalSPNews.pdf, the Leadership Team would like to hear your responses to this question:
What are the hopes and fears you carry in regards to Anne going on Sabbatical?
Thank you for your prayerful responses.
Pledge Drive
Our pledge drive for the 2020 budget year will begin this Sunday. If you are a regular, Sarah McEvoy will have a pledge envelope for you. We will be collecting the pledges for the month of October so we can begin to build our new budget in the beginning of November.
What’s Ahead:
Next ALL-OUT: October 27th
We will be meeting in our gathering groups. Not yet in a Gathering Group? Contact Anne
Southpoint Central:
October 16th at the Hardy house.
Time: 6-7:30
In the spirit of harvest thanksgiving , bring a pot-luck dish to share that highlights a food you are thankful for this year!
Winter Retreat at Camp Tulahead:
Save the date!!! February 14-17, 2020 (3 nights). Camp Tulahead has given us the OK to reserve the camp, so we are once again on for our winter retreat as a church family!! Stay tuned for more announcements this Sunday!
Circles of Friendship:
Tuesdays @ 7:30 at Anne’s home. 9th grade to young adults
Focus: Sharing over popcorn, tea, and gnarly passages in the Bible.
The Fellowship of the Rings:
Twice a month, 1st Wed @ 6, and 3rd Friday. 5th – 9th grade.
Focus: Wed is at Anne’s for pizza and deeper conversation. Friday is for fun.
Next event: Friday the 18th @ Neufelds.
Southpoint Central:
Food + Space for conversations about things that matter.
Sunday mornings don’t give us much chance to build connections. Southpoint Central is an an intergenerational family-style pot-luck that gives us space to eat what we share AND share what’s eating us:) 3rd Wednesday of each month.
Have an Announcement? Prayer Request?
If you have an announcement for the newsletter, please send it fully prepared and edited to: by Tuesday. If you have a prayer request to share with our prayer chain, please contact
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