Southpoint News – Week of September 29th, 2019

Sep 25, 2019

Small is Beautiful

Do you ever feel very small in the face of the crisis facing our planet?  I do.

This feeling of smallness can morph into a feeling of powerlessness, and this feeling of powerlessness can morph into paralysis.

Yet “Small” and “Powerless” are not the same thing. Just think about acorns, atoms, and ants.  Or Take Greta Thunberg, my hero.

In this photo, she is all alone on the first day of her climate strike. She did not wait until someone gave her permission to speak. She simply wrote what she felt compelled to say on a piece of white poster board.

She did not wait until someone gave her a platform upon which to speak.  She simple found one. She carried her poster and sat down in front of the Swedish Parliament Building.

She did not wait until she had a sphere of influence.  She simply let her heart influence the direction of her feet.

One small girl speaking truth to power out of love for the earth.

Truth is powerful.  Love is powerful. A single human being raising her voice in truth and love is powerful. No matter how small you might be.

“Learn power, however sweet they call you, learn power, the smash of the holy once more.” – Annie Dillard

Fall Sunday Calendar

9/22  –  Hope  
         Eph 3:14-21 

9/29 – Friendship
         Prov. 27:9, 17

10/6 –  Freedom
         Gal 5:13-26

10/13 –  Defense Systems
         1 Thes 5:6-11

10/20 –  Vulnerability
         Colossians 3:12-14 

10/27 – ALL OUT –

11/3 –  Actions
         1 John 3:16-24 

11/10 –  Responsibility and Accountability
         Gal 6:1-6

11/17 – Inspiration
         Romans 12:9-21 

11/24 – ALL IN: Christ the King Sunday –  Joy
         John 15:1-17

Circles of Friendship

Right now, we have two circles of friendship for youth. Each group decides how often they meet, what the focus of the group will be, and what the group will be called:)  These groups are NOT closed. The circle is open. If interested, please contact Anne.

Roots: Meeting most Tuesdays @ 7:30 at Anne’s home.

Age:  Currently 10th grade to young adults

Focus: Sharing over popcorn and tea, and this fall, studying gnarly passages in the Bible.

The Fellowship of the Rings:  Twice a month, once Wed and Friday.

Age: Currently 5th grade to 8th grade

Focus: Friday is for fun, Wed is for deeper conversation

Who’s Coming for Lunch?

On Sunday October 6 after church we will be matching guests with hosts for an informal, friendly lunch experience.

To sign up to be a guest or please email

Praying for our Children and Youth

I would like to hold space for praying for our children and youth.  There are 2 options of times so that hopefully you can make one of them.  You are invited to come on Wednesday October 2 at 1:00 or 7:30 to the Shiloah Shelter at Kingfisher Farm.  For more information contact Angela at

Global Climate Strikes: Sept 20-27th.

If you would like to participate with the youth of our world in the Global Climate Strikes, there are also strikes in Vancouver on various dates.  For more information, follow these lines:

Ride for Refuge, Oct. 5

Last chance to support Tim and Jen!
You can sign up to ride/walk (or donate) right here:
registrant /TeamFundraisingPage.aspx

Thank you!

….Thanks to Loree and Kevin’s gathering group for hosting our pot luck, and for all the great food everyone contributed.

….Thanks to Brian Oger for our new friendship bench, both the physical bench and our new online bench – a Southpoint facebook group, “The Friendship Bench.”  If you are interested in joining the facebook group, please let Brian know. It’s a great way to share information, make spontaneous invites, and stay in touch during the week.

….Thanks to Brian Fryer for hosting the beer and cribbage night.  Once again, the men are rocking it! If you aren’t on the list for these men’s events and would like to be informed, please let the know.

Have an Announcement? Prayer Request?

If you have an announcement for the newsletter, please send it fully prepared and edited to: by Tuesday.  If you have a prayer request to share with our prayer chain, please contact

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