Summer @ Southpoint

May 15, 2009

The dates of summer are fast approaching even if the weather isn’t! Here is what’s on tap for Southpoint starting in June:

Our last Southpoint Central will be at the Hardy’s on Wednesday, May 27th. It will be a ‘taste-of-the-world’ kind of event. Bring your favourite global dish to share. Begins at 6:30 pm.

We are not doing FunFest this year. Instead, we are planning to pour our energies into a grande opening event for the coffee house in mid July.

Beginning June 7th at the Simpson/Sears home, backyard BBQ events will happen every Sunday after the morning service. These will be a bring-your-own-whatever kind of events. We will have a sign up sheet for willing hosts. The North Delta crowd are already planning a big party for August 9th!

We are planning a camping trip for August 14-16 out at Rolley Lake. A sign up sheet will be circulated over the next couple of Sundays.

We will continue to meet at Morgan Elementary, Sundays at 10am.

The Southpoint Leadership Team, Bylaw Revision Team, and Small Ritual Board will continue to work on various projects throughout the summer. And, the El Salvador Team are planning to get their heads around some fundraising to complete our giving pledge to the project in Alegria.

And, as the coffee house opens in mid-July, there will be events and service opportunities to engage in through our new community hub at Small Ritual. Very exciting!

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