The Week of April 19-25
Craig loves structure and the comfort of daily routine. While he makes our coffee, he puts two cups out, his favourite and mine. He then makes oatmeal. While the oatmeal simmers, he lays the bowls, the spoons, the container of almonds, and the container of sugar on the counter in an orderly fashion. Afterwards, he sits in a chair to read, journal, and pray.
I find structure constrictive, and I am resisting maintaining a daily routine. Some days I get up and shower. More often I don’t. I’ve found my stomach rebelling to our long standing oatmeal ritual. Instead, I’ve taken to wandering alone around the forest in my pyjamas, listening to cello music on headphones. Maybe I’ll have peanut butter toast later while working at the computer. Maybe I won’t.
Craig has become more structured during Covid-19. He finds it comforting. I am becoming less structured. I find that comforting. Under pressure, our natural inclinations are drawn to the surface in all their messy glory. An ENFJ married to an INFP:)
I wonder under pressure who you are discovering within you? Can you welcome these different facets of yourself as they emerge, with compassion? What emotions are surfacing? Can you welcome them and listen to what they might have to say to you, without judgement, as you would a small child? What choices hollowed you out? What experience brought you a bit of life and vitality today? Can you savour it, drawing as much goodness out as you can? Can you make room for that same thing again tomorrow?
I very much believe God is inviting us to befriend ourselves right now as a spiritual practice, not just as a means to an end, so that we can be “there” for others. But just as an end in itself. When the world feels unsafe, we can make a safe space for ourselves, and respond with curiosity and compassion to what we see emerging. I think God is befriending us in that space, too.
– Anne
If you would like to be part of some of the offerings below, but don’t have the point person’s contact details, please email.
Drop-in Prayer Times
For the next month, we are making “drop-in” times available via phone or Facetime for anyone who wants to pray, talk, or have a moment where you can be congruent.
Go ahead and call!
We are ready and waiting, holding space for and praying for our community during the hour, so please don’t hesitate.
People on-call from now through May 30th:
Mondays 7:00-8:00 pm
– David M
Tuesdays 3:30-4:30 pm
– Anne H
Wednesdays 7:00-8:00 pm
– Roland B
Thursdays 10:30-11:30 am
– Anne Smith
Good Seed (Saturday)
Happy Earth Day today!
Planting of onion seedlings continues and you can still join in on Saturday, April 25.
Each hour has a family already signed up, so the remaining spaces are available only for adults.
To choose a time slot here’s the link.
Life Together at Southpoint
At Southpoint, our life together is sustained by three core practices: Worship, Connection, and Care. We believe that as we participate in these practices, God grows love in us and flows love through us, allowing us to love God, people, and creation.
Here are ways we can continue these core practices during Covid-19:
Sunday 26 April
This week is a fourth Sunday! We will be meeting via Zoom with our Gathering Groups.
Sunday May 3, 10, 17
Zoom Church, 10:00 am
We gather on Sunday mornings for a simplified Zoom worship. Liturgy booklets are available. Questions? Contact Karin, our administrator (email).
Men’s Virtually Bad Movie Night
Tuesdays @ 8:00 pm.
Contact Jason G.
Pen Pals
If you (or your child) would like to be involved in this, please contact Angela.
Book club
Interested? Contact Katie A.
Looking for deeper, more intentional conversation without advice-giving or ‘fixing each other’? Last chance to join our women’s group – contact Anne Smith; or men’s group – Jason G.
SoulCollage® with Maryanne
(See description, below)
Gathering Groups
During this season, we are encouraging Gathering Groups to stay in touch and be aware of each other’s needs. If you have a struggle, or an idea for ways to connect, please contact your gathering group. If you are in need of a group, or don’t know what group you are in, please contact Angela (email).
Prayer Chain
If you have a confidential prayer need, please contact John H.
Pastoral Support
Contact Anne by email or text (778-878-4352).
Praying with SoulCollage®
An invitation from Maryanne to join her in this unique path to prayer.
Attend either or both Zoom sessions:
Friday, 1 May, 10:30 am
(register by April 26)
Monday, 11 May, 7:00 pm
(register by May 5)
“Collage making – and reflecting on those images – has become one of the ways I listen to myself and to God. Our 1.5 hr workshop includes a brief introduction, time to create a collage card (25 min) and a guided time of reflection and prayer. One of the gifts of SoulCollage is its simplicity and playfulness while giving opportunity for deep connection with oneself and with God.
All you need is a journal, glue stick, scissors and an open heart. I will provide a kit containing images, backgrounds, mat boards and plastic sleeves: more than enough materials for five sessions/cards. These will be packaged and set aside for two weeks before you receive them.”
Contact Maryanne to reserve your spot(s) and order a kit ($5.00)
The zoom link will be provided the day before the event.
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