Upcoming Events
Vancouver Canadians Baseball Game at Nat Bailey Stadium. Saturday, July 16th @ 7:05pm, followed by fireworks! $9 per person (tickets can be purchased at your local Safeway Store). Picnic dinner before the game, meet at the Stadium at 5:30. If we can organize ourselves and car pool, that would be great. Let me (Brent) know if you are coming and need a ride or can take some people with you.
The VSO’s annual FREE concert at Deer Lake Park in Burnaby! Sunday, July 17th @ 7:30pm. Bring your lawn chairs and picnic baskets for what is always a beautiful evening of light classics in the outdoors. Be sure to arrive early, it’s always packed! VSO Assistant Conductor Pierre Simard conducts. Let’s go early for some picnic time and organize some rides so that we can caravan it!
Vancouver Whitecaps soccer match against the L.A Galaxy and David Beckham! Saturday, July 30th @ 4:30pm. WE NEED CONFIRMATIONS!! Please RSVP to Brent (btunrau@gmail.com) – only $27 per ticket. The 20 tickets have been pre-paid for all on the north side of the field ($540 all together). 8 tickets have been spoken for, 12 tickets are remaining. If I don’t get more confirmation from Southpointers in the next week or so, I will have to look outside the church for people who would love to come to the game.
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