Week of Dec 27, 2020, to Jan 2, 2021.
This Little Light of Mine, I’m Gonna Let it Shine
2020 has been a reminder of how little control we have. While we can wear masks, practice social distancing, and follow BC guidelines, we cannot make Covid go away. Or open closed borders. Or shift government restrictions. We cannot control the actions and attitudes of other people, or the way people perceive us. We cannot stop death.
However, we do have the power to choose how we will show up each day. Who or what we worship. What receives our attention. Whom we love, and how we love them. What forgiveness we offer, and what we withhold. What we share with others, and what we keep for ourselves. What boundaries we set, what words we speak, what mistakes we own, what acts of care we offer.
As a church, I feel proud of the way we have showed up for one another and the wider world. Because of our faithfulness and generosity, we’ve been able to give away the full $13,000 budgeted for missions and benevolence. Read on, below!
As we say goodbye to 2020 and prepare for 2021, may our hearts be soft, our minds be open, our hands be kind and our bodies wise. May we be listening for the Spirit and ready to respond in love to whatever awaits us.
– Anne
“Be not afraid!” or, as we say it today,
“Merry Christmas!”
– Scott Erickson
The NET, our mission team, is intentional about forming partnerships locally and globally with organizations involved in both relief and development.
GLOBAL Initiatives
Budgeted – $4,500
Our global relief funds went to Canadian Baptist Missions’ (CBM) Covid Relief Fund to help those most at risk globally, including those in refugee camps, women in Bolivia experiencing spousal abuse, children in Rwanda unable to receive their one meal a day at school, and subsistence farmers unable to leave their homes to attend their fields.
Our global development funds went to support our mission partners, Himalayan Life and LifeWater Canada.
LOCAL Initiatives
Budgeted – $4,500
Our local relief goals were to provide food and mental health support to our neighbours in Surrey affected by Covid. We gave money to Nightshift Ministries, which provides food and mental health support to very vulnerable people in North Surrey. We also partnered with the Guru Nanak Food Bank, which delivers hot meals to the doorstep of individuals with Covid and provides food to hungry families.
Our local development goals were to support organizations providing mental health/relational support during Covid, with a particular emphasis on vulnerable youth. We gave funds to Youth Unlimited, Sources, and Umoja Operation Compassion Society.
Our Benevolence team works together to give anonymous support of funds or goods to individuals and families. This year, we were able to provide gifts to individuals within our church in need of encouragement / support, as well as to support a family in extreme need outside of our church whose circumstances were flagged by someone within our church.
Canadian Baptists of Western Canada
As a church belonging to the CBWC, we are asked to give a portion of our missions budget to support their work. We continued this practice this year.
Thank You!
Dear church family,
Craig and I were so touched by your kindness and generosity this Christmas. I do not feel deserving of this gift! When I think of this year, I am reminded of the story of The Little Engine that Could: “I think I can, I think I can!” By God’s grace and our mutual goodwill and collaboration, we made it through this unexpected and difficult set of circumstances. We found ways to be connected and support each other. Karin, Angela and I have had many meetings in the orchard or over zoom to brainstorm and troubleshoot what worship would look like next. Sarah has kept our finances on track. Angela and Katie have done a brilliant job connecting with our children. The Leadership Team has kept things steady with their wise guidance. Each of you have shown such flexibility, patience and commitment to our community. It has been a community effort, and I’m grateful for all of you as the New Year closes. Thank you!
– Anne
Reminder: Southpoint Job Posting
The role of Community Engagement Coordinator offers the opportunity to work in a small church and contribute to a team that is collaborative, creative, relational, spacious and Christ-centred. Your help is welcomed to contact people who may be interested in this part-time contract position. This letter on the CBWC website describes the opportunity and its responsibilities.
Deadline for applications is January 15. Send resumé and cover letter to Reverend Anne Smith by email.
Together @Southpoint
Are you interested in exploring what membership looks like @Southpoint? Anne will host zoom conversations in early January – to participate, please contact her (email, 778-878-4352).
This link will provide you with the information you need to join Sunday’s service at 10:00 am.
Jan 3 Be Not Afraid!
Courage is contagious.
Matthew 2:1-15
Jan 10 Puah & Shiphrah
Exodus 1:8-22
Jan 17 Zelophehad’s daughters
Numbers 27:1-11
Jan 24 Deborah
Judges 4-5
Jan 31 Queen Vashti
Esther 1-2:17
Feb. 7 Lydia
Acts 16:11-15, 40
Feb 14 Ethiopian Eunuch
Acts 8:26-40
Feb 17
Ash Wednesday
Friendship Benches
Cultivating small circles of connection, fun and care during CoVid-19. If you’d like to know more about these groups, contact Angela (email).
Prayer Chain
If you have a confidential prayer need, please contact John Hardy (email).
Pastoral Support
If you’re needing to talk or to pray, please call Anne (778-878-4352).
Supporting the Work of Southpoint
Thank you for considering your giving during this unusual year! To receive a tax receipt for charitable donations for 2020 your gift must be submitted by 31 December. Options include:
Pre-authorized debit (monthly or one-time) with our linked form. Cost to Southpoint is only $0.50.
Paypal to the The Church at Southpoint. Cost is 3% of the donation. No Paypal account is required, only a credit card.
Charitable Impact Foundation. Cost is 2.8% of the donation.
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