Week of Dec 6-12, 2020.
Receiving Truth
The incarnation of word into flesh is an act of embodiment. More importantly, it is also an embodiment of truth.
How do you define truth? How do you KNOW what is true? It is a complicated matter for us today who live in an age of misinformation and disinformation, where what is true, and what is not true, is a hotly debated and contentious issue.
Historically, in western European theological traditions, the most trustworthy means of discovering and communicating truth were rational rather than emotional, literal rather than metaphorical, word-oriented rather than experience-based, objective rather than relational, and abstract rather than embodied. The most trustworthy source of truth was the Bible: truth in a book. The most trustworthy way of studying it was from a distance, with detached objectivity; Truth being something to be mastered and grasped with one’s mind.
And yet.
Mary received the revelation of God in Jesus in her body. She did not grasp it with her mind. She received it in her flesh.
She heard the angel speak the promise of revelation.
She felt the revelation of God grow within her, first as a wave of nausea and fatigue, then as a flutter of butterfly wings, then as a flopping fish and finally as a rending and a tearing.
She saw the revelation of God in the steam rising off his new born flesh in the barn.
She smelled the revelation of God as she took him to her chest.
She experienced the revelation of God in this embodied way, and as she did so, she felt the revelation of God in her heart.
She knew him through her senses, and she loved him with her whole heart.
The incarnation of GOD, at its core, is a divine revelation of embodied truth, NOT an abstract theological statement. Truth took on our flesh and came to dwell amongst us, so that we could see the glory of the One and Only.
I do not think we have fully grappled with the implications of the incarnation for the way we do theology. The incarnation stretches our western ways of knowing. It points us towards a more complex way of knowing truth that is rooted not just in our minds and in our intellect, but also in our bodies and our hearts. I think the incarnation blesses and baptizes these ways of knowing and encourages us to trust this holy trinity of heart, body, and mind as a fulcrum of revelation.
– Anne
“Southpoint Listens”
Angela is collecting your favourite Advent songs this week and curating a Southpoint Listens Advent 2020 playlist on Spotify – feel free to email her with your additions!
Kids’ Zoom
Today! Thursday at 4:00 pm
Southpoint’s Finest Order of the Phoenix (gr. 3-6)
Advent Prayer Circle
If you would like to join our Zoom prayer circle, we would love to have you. We meet over lunch hour on Wednesdays (12-1) through December to pray for one another, our church, and our community. RSVP to Anne by email if you’d like to receive the zoom link invite.
A Message from the Leadership Team
Based on our pledges and our draft budget for 2021, we forecast a deficit of approximately $2500. If you would like to help meet this need by a one time donation, or a change to your pledge amount for 2021, please contact Sarah Adams (email) and she can help you make any adjustments, or advise you how best to do this.
Thank you for your ongoing support and care of Southpoint.
– Theresa Fryer
Christmas Eve Update
Out of an abundance of respect to our government leaders and an abundance of care and caution for one another, we have, with regret, cancelled our Christmas Eve on the farm. However, Katie will be making a small loaf of her famous Christmas Eve Challah bread for each household that will be available for pick up on Christmas Eve afternoon, and we will have a zoom communion together.
Stay tuned for more information!
Advent Fundraising
This year for Advent we are raising funds to support vulnerable youth. Several links helpful links were shared during Sunday’s church service.
Thank you, David E-C for the first two:
Provincial Child and Youth Mental Health Intake Clinics
And to Jared and Simon, two of our youth who will be ‘sleeping rough’ on Friday night as part of YUNite Outside to raise awareness about youth on the streets, we support you! If you’d like to help them raise funds for vulnerable youth, please go to: Youth Unlimited. YUNite Outside is in its third year and is only $1400 short of its achieving its $150,000 goal!
Are you interested in exploring what membership looks like @Southpoint? We will host a zoom conversation in early January – to participate, please contact Anne (email, 778-878-4352).
This link will provide you with the information you need to join Sunday’s Zoom church service at 10:00 am.
Dec 13 Identity
We bless one another with the creative power of joy, and prepare for the coming of Christ.
Luke 1: 39-45
Dec 20 Embodiment
We magnify the creative power of peace through our contemplative practices and actions and prepare for the coming of Christ.
Luke 1:46-55
Dec 24 Christmas Eve
We participate in Incarnation’s story and rejoice!
Luke 2:1-20
Dec 27 Revelation
Our eyes have seen salvation
Luke 2:22-40
Jan 3 Be Not Afraid
Courage is contagious.
Matthew 2:1-15
Friendship Benches
Cultivating small circles of connection, fun and care during CoVid-19. If you’d like to know more about these groups, contact Angela (email).
Advent Prayer Circle
Wednesdays in December from 12:00 – 1:00 pm.
Prayer Chain
If you have a confidential prayer need, please contact John Hardy (email).
Pastoral Support
If you’re needing to talk or to pray, please call Anne (778-878-4352).
Supporting the Work of Southpoint
Thank you for considering your giving during this unusual time. Options include:
Pre-authorized debit (monthly or one-time) with our linked form. Cost to Southpoint is only $0.50.
Paypal to the The Church at Southpoint. Cost is 3% of the donation. No Paypal account is required, only a credit card.
Charitable Impact Foundation. Cost is 2.8% of the donation.
Community Engagement Coordinator Job Posting
The Church at Southpoint Leadership Team and Pastor Anne Smith have initiated a search for the position of Community Engagement Coordinator. This is a part-time contract post that offers the opportunity to work in a small church and contribute to a small team that is collaborative, creative, relational, spacious and Christ-centred.
Your help is welcomed to contact people who may be interested in this position. This letter describes the opportunity and the responsibilities of the Community Engagement Coordinator.
The deadline for applications is January 15. Resumés and accompanying cover letters should be addressed to Anne Smith via email.
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