Week of June 7-13


Do you remember way back in Advent (I know, it seems a lifetime ago) we sat in the church building – together? The chairs were in a square. We put black paper over the windows and shut the back door so it would feel dark inside, and in the middle, the advent candles were in lanterns, surrounded by cedar branches and twinkling lights.

The theme of Advent was “Making Space” and week one was “Making Space to Awaken”. That first Sunday we meditated together on a Joy Banks print called “Kairos Time”. It was time, we said, to wake up. Wake up to what?!? Wake up to all those little cogs that imprison us in the picture, keep us frantic, keep us running. Wake up and climb outside “the machine”, up into the night sky, to touch the real. We asked, “What must we wake up to? Wake up from?”

I started a new journal that week for 2020. On the very first page I drew a picture of myself standing on top of a giant clock. A speech bubble above my head says, “Making Space to Awaken: It’s time”. I asked the question, “What must I wake up from to touch the real?”

And then 2020 happened. The alarm went off, and we are all waking up. Waking up to our vulnerability as a species. Waking up to how interconnected we are as a globe. Waking up to how much we need each other. Waking up to the oppressive reality of racism. Waking up to white privilege. Waking up to how the Bible has been used to justify greed. Waking up to how readily the church has played the mistress to domination rather than walked as the bride of Christ.  Waking up to racial profiling and police brutality through lost lives: George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, to name but a few. Waking up to new wisdom sources in black voices. Waking up to the powerful emotions within our society, and within our own hearts.

Awareness is foundational to change. What must we do to “Touch the Real”? What must we wake up to? Wake up from? I believe the Spirit is asking this of us.  “Sleepers, awake. The Light of Christ has Come.”





Jessie, Jarret, and Mason Wall are delighted to announce the birth of Everly Marie, born Wednesday, June 10 at 5:58pm in the comfort of their home.

We are so delighted for them!

If you’d like to make a frozen meal or muffins for them, please contact Angela and deliver them to her by Saturday morning (512 172 Street, Surrey).



Financial Update: May


Our donations have been affected by Covid -19, but – we are grateful – so have our expenses, as we are not asked to pay rent right now. We’re committed to transparency about our finances and will be giving regular updates.

This month, our donations are $2,138.80 below what we budgeted. This is the second month (March) of the year in which our donations were below budget by over $2,000. However, we are saving $1,285 by not paying rent.

It is not yet clear if the drop in donations is due to financial hardship or not meeting face-to-face and collecting offerings. Please let Sarah know if you will be changing your giving patterns for the long term. If you are not using a pre-authorized debit agreement, would you consider making a donation this month through one of these on-line means?

– Sign up for pre-authorized debit (can be repeating or one-time) using this form (link). This costs the church a service fee of $0.50 removed from the donation.

– Paypal: can be done anytime online. This costs the church a service fee of 3% of the donation.

– Charitable Impact: a third-party organization. This costs the church a service fee of 2.8% of the donation.

– Cheque – mail to church 15639 24th Ave V4A2J6. Please also email Sarah to let her know a cheque is in the mail.

Thank you, thank you.



14 Jun – Zooming at 10:00 am
Knowing and Being Known
Gen 2:15-25

21 Jun – Zooming at 10:00 am

28 Jun – ALL OUT




Fellowship of the Rings
6:30-7:30 pm


Roots Group
4:30-6:00 pm

Men’s virtually bad movie night
Contact Jason
8:00 pm


Men’s virtual morning coffee
Men: Contact Jason
7:15 am

June 24, 7:30 pm
Read the book and join in:
Zoom link from Katie
Book: American Dirt, by Jeanine Cummins



Prayer Chain
If you have a confidential prayer need, please contact John.

Pastoral Support
If you’re needing to talk or to pray, please call Anne (778-878-4352).



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