Week of May 24-30
Grounded and Guided
Hi Southpoint friends,
I’m wondering how you are all doing today as things continue to open up and we step back out into the world?
Some of us are stepping out boldly. Some of us are stepping out gingerly and carefully. Others are choosing not to step at all. Our responses to this new freedom are personal and tender, rooted in our life experiences, stories that hold authority for us, our traumas, our temperaments. Inevitably, our responses will differ from one another.
Since we don’t live in a vacuum by ourselves, we are in a perpetual state of negotiation with family members, neighbours, friends, employers, and soon schools about our boundaries – what we feel comfortable with, with whom, how often, how close, etc., etc. It is hard emotional and relational work, so please, go easy on yourself, give yourself space to feel and find empathetic hearts to understand. If you are finding this hard, you are not alone.
As a nine on the enneagram, I easily intuit what folks feel and need. I see situations from a multitude of perspectives and identify multiple of potential responses. It is like the mycelium layer of a forest, potential choices spreading out infinitely in all directions, right under my feet. When I begin to feel overwhelmed by all this data, I have to slow down, and redirect my attention inward and listen for deep wisdom.
Today, I read something that I would like to share it with you as one parent/friend/daughter/sister/neighbour to another in these unique times. It is taken from a SoulStream liturgy that made its way into my inbox today, and it talks about making a commitment to be responsive to the Spirit’s action in daily life:
“We covenant together to become increasingly receptive in body, mind and emotions to God’s loving action in every area of life. We will seek to let go of our lurking tendencies to self-effort and control, and surrender to God’s initiative in our lives.”
Reading this reminds me of how the Spirit grounds and guides our hearts. There are a lot of needs and wants and emotions and perspectives flowing this way and that right now, within and around us. But within all of this, the Spirit is here, brooding over the chaotic web. We can pause long enough to atttune to this wisdom, and listen for what the next step might be.
This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday. As we look forward to being together, I invite you to pause now and then, asking for what you need, noticing the place where the Spirit’s wisdom and your deep knowing are already flowing in unity.
Climbing for Himalayan Life
An Invitation from Anne:
Himalayan Life is doing this fun fundraiser for street kids from June 1 – 15. I would like to create a Southpoint team to ‘virtually’ climb Mount Everest. We count up our meters of elevation gained during each day’s stair-climbing, hiking or running, report it to a team leader, and add them together to post on this page. Our goal is to summit Mount Everest (29,029 ft / 8,848 m) as many times as possible as a team and help to raise Himalayan Life’s goal of $29,029 while we do it.
I got a surprise cheque from the US government, and I’d love to contribute the tithe from it to this fundraiser. If anyone else wants to be part of the team, or help fund our team, let me know! We’ve got only a few days to build a team!! Pass the word to your kids!! Meters climbed by each member get reported to the team leader who provides a daily update on the team page. Hopefully, each of us, one metre at a time, will Climb Mount Everest:)
May 31 Southpoint Zooms @ 10:00 am
Spirit, Gen 1:1-5, Gen 2:4-7
Jun 7 Southpoint Zooms @ 10:00 am
Being Human
Gen 1:26-28, Gen 2:15,16
Jun 14 Southpoint Zooms @ 10:00 am
Knowing and Being Known
Gen 2:15-25
Jun 21 Southpoint Zooms @ 10:00 am
Jun 28 ALL OUT
Every other Monday
Youth: Fellowship of the Rings, 6:30-7:30 pm
Youth: Roots Group, 4:30-6:00 pm
Men: Virtually Bad Movie Night, 8:00 pm
Men’s Virtual morning coffee, 7:15 am
Contact Jason
Wednesday, June 24
Bookclub, 7:30 pm
Read American Dirt, by Jeanine Cummins and join in! For a Zoom link, contact Katie.
Prayer Chain
If you have a confidential prayer need, please contact John H.
Drop-In Prayer Times
Mondays 7:00-8:00 pm
– David M.
Tuesdays 3:30-4:30 pm
– Anne H.
Wednesdays 7:00-8:00 pm
– Roland
Thursdays 10:30-11:30 am
– Anne Smith 778-878-4352
Pastoral Support
Contact Anne by email or text (778-878-4352).
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