Week of May 3-9, 2020

– Saul Melman, 2011

Liminal Space

We are six weeks into self-distancing, and it is working, which is such good news. In the meantime, we are still in liminal space. Our routines have changed. Our sources of fullness have changed. Our activity level has changed. Our future has changed into something still quite unknown. We are learning to live day to day. Some are thriving amidst these changes, others feel the emptiness, malaise, the challenge of reorganizing life within these new constraints.

Richard Rohr has described this global pandemic as an immense collective experience of liminal space. In liminal space, life as we know it is unmade, and we aren’t yet sure when and how the world will return to normal.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. Gen 1:1-2

This same Spirit which brooded over creation – transforming formlessness and void into abundant creation – is brooding over us. We don’t have to work our way out of liminal space. We don’t problem solve our way out of liminal space. We stay put in the discomfort, waiting and trusting the Spirit’s deep work. This empty formless darkness is the spawning ground for God’s creative work. In liminal space the invitation is to surrender and and trust in the deep work of the Spirit.

Spirit, you are present,
moving silently among us,
hovering over the creative potential hidden in this liminal space.
We welcome you…
we honour your presence…
we open ourselves to your creative work in our lives…
we accept this hard place as the spawning ground for new creation.

– Anne



With new hardships around the world due to Covid-19’s impact, Canadian Baptist Ministries (CBM), together with the Baptist Forum for Aid and Development, are poised to engage in several large-scale humanitarian relief initiatives to care for the most vulnerable. Southpoint’s The NET is discussing participation in CBM’s special COVID-19 fund to equip global partners and churches on the frontline. Stay tuned for information on Sunday at church.




Through our participation in Southpoint’s core practices: Worship, Connection, and Care, God grows love in us and flows love through us, allowing us to “love God, love people, and love creation.



Sunday Church, Zoom at 10:00 am
Simplified Zoom worship for which liturgy booklets are available. Questions? Contact Karin, our administrator (email).

Fourth Sundays: May 24, Jun 28
No church! Plan to connect as Gathering Groups.
Sundays ahead…

May 10 Southpoint Zooms
Abundance, Gen 1:11-31

May 17 Southpoint Zooms
Rest, Gen 2:1-3

May 24  ALL OUT

May 31 Southpoint Zooms
Spirit,  Gen 1:1-5, Gen 2:4-7

Jun 7 Southpoint Zooms
Being Human
Gen 1:26-28, Gen 2:15,16

Jun 14 Southpoint Zooms
Knowing and Being Known
Gen 2:15-25

Jun 21 Southpoint Zooms

Jun 28   ALL OUT



Men’s Virtually Bad Movie Night
Tuesdays @ 8:00 pm.
Contact Jason


Pen Pals
If you (or your child) would like to be involved in this, please contact Angela.


Southpoint Bookclub
Fourth Wednesdays, 7:30 pm

May 27  Women Talking, by Miriam Toews
June 24  American Dirt, by Jeanine Cummins

Interested in joining? For a Zoom link, contact Katie.



Gathering Groups
During this season, we are encouraging Gathering Groups to stay in touch and be aware of each other’s needs. If you have a struggle, or an idea for ways to connect, please contact your gathering group. If you are in need of a group, or don’t know what group you are in, please contact Angela (email).
Prayer Chain
If you have a confidential prayer need, please contact John Hardy (email).


Drop-In Prayer Times
The people listed at the times listed below are holding space for and praying for our community. You are invited to call – please do!

Mondays   7:00-8:00 pm
– David M.

Tuesdays   3:30-4:30 pm
– Anne H.

Wednesdays   7:00-8:00 pm
– Roland

Thursdays   10:30-11:30 am
– Anne Smith  778-878-4352 email


Pastoral Support
Contact Anne by email or text (778-878-4352).

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