Week of October 26 – 31

You Ask of Me
by Lauren Wright Pittman

Unraveling Shame

Like the woman at the well, we humans carry so much shame. Shame over our neglected relationships, imbalanced bank accounts, disorganized schedules, messy homes, compulsive thoughts, mistaken judgements, fractured connections, huge emotions, unpredictable children, unraveled beliefs, drooping bodies, forgetful minds, unfulfilled sexual desires, failed expectations – the list goes on.

Like the women of the village, we humans cast so much shame. We exclude, expose, judge, withhold affection, criticize, blame, shun, compare, inspect, dissect, gossip. No wonder it doesn’t always feel safe to be human.

There is no shame in being human, you know. Jesus comes to us to unravel our shame, restore our dignity, teach us wisdom, and guide us into freedom and life. Perhaps today, we can be Christ to one another.

– Anne


Donation-matching Opportunity for Umoja


Following their successful virtual gala last Friday, any donations to Umoja this week will be matched Surrey Honda!

Loree writes:
Our little grass roots organization was a bit apprehensive about our gala “Still United as One” but considered it an adventure to be open to and to learn from. An adventure it was! There were cooking demos, musical performances, and a powerful refugee story from one of our own staff members.

If you are curious about the work we do at Umoja and have a few minutes to view the gala, this link will take you to our YouTube video. To see a surprise visit and performance from our beloved Kwerks fast forward to 35:08!

Please contact Loree at Umoja by email  if you have questions or would like to make a donation that can be matched.



You’ll note some options for worship in the dates below. There will be a Zoom meeting each week led by Anne, anchoring our community. Outdoor Church right now will be designed to meet the needs of our youngest members. Attendance will be limited to 30 participants and only by advance sign-up. More info is below.

Nov 1
Doubting Thomas, John 20:19-29
Zoom @10 led by Anne
10:00 am Outdoor Church @Hardys’
11:00 am Oudoor Church @Kingfisher

Nov 8  Zoom Church led by Anne
Job’s Lament and Loss, Job 28:12-28

Nov 15  
Moses, Ex. 1:22, 2:1-10
Zoom @10 led by Anne
10:00 am Outdoor Church @Hardys’
11:00 am Oudoor Church @Kingfisher

Nov 22  Zoom Church led by Anne
 Jesus Heals Legion, Mark 5:1-20

If you’d like to attend Outdoor Church contact Karin (email) for more information! It will have a very simple order of worship adapted around needs of children: the telling of a short story (rather than a talk) and a brief check-in question (rather than discussion) combined with communion and prayer. Advance sign up is required. As ever, we are carefully attending to Covid Safety – protocols will be in place. If the event is deemed unsafe, it will be cancelled. Anne and Angela will facilitate the Outdoor Church services, one at each of the Hardy home and at Kingfisher. The sign-up sheet will indicated which location you may attend. (The allocation is based on your usual Gathering Group.)

If you are muddled, please contact Karin (email) for more information!




Prayer Hut
Thank you to Loriane and her husband who would like to make available the prayer hut in their back yard. If you’d like a little prayer retreat, please phone her to let her know when you hope to arrive. Curious? See a photo, here.

Prayer Chain
If you have a confidential prayer need, please contact John Hardy (email).

Pastoral Support
If you’re needing to talk or to pray, please call Anne (778-878-4352?).

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