Week of September 13-19
The year of global pandemic, bush fires in Australia, apocalyptic forest fires in the pacific northwest, plagues of locusts in Africa, earthquakes in Puerto Rico, murder hornets, hurricanes, tribalism, hyperpolarization, police brutality, racially-motivated violence, Russian intelligence hacking, voter suppression, civil unrest, assaults on democracy, the explosion in Beirut, China’s clamp down on Hong Kong, unchecked capitalism (the stock market going up just as unemployment skyrockets?!?) Now that summer is over, schools are starting up just as covid numbers are rising, and to top it off, soon it will be winter in BC.
Are anyone else’s arms tired of rowing, yet? We are all carrying a heavy allostatic load: the wear and tear on a body when it is exposed to repeated or chronic stress.
I was in a group of women, joking about the 2020 “20” – that extra weight so many of our bodies have packed on. It was comforting to look around the circle at women my age and realize, “Hey, I’m not alone in having a bit of extra stress squidge around my middle!” There is comfort in knowing we are all in the same boat, rowing against these waves together.
We are together. I am so grateful for the practices such as Outdoor Church, orchard painting parties, and zoom breakout groups. These points of connection have held us like a little boat amidst the storms of 2020. Today, I am also grateful for the presence of Christ seated with us.
In this week’s story, the disciples are rowing against a headwind that is so strong they are making no progress. Jesus moved towards them, literally walking upon the chaos, and spoke these words they so needed to hear: “It is me. Don’t be afraid.” Then he climbs right on in and sits down next to them in the boat. Jesus was not satisfied with resting on the shore, having a relaxer. He wanted to be with them, because he was for them. Jesus reveals a God who loves us so much that he cannot stay away. That is the fierce Mamma Bear love of God.
So here we are, a human race, sitting in a small boat on a stormy sea, rowing hard yet losing ground. All of us are weary. Some of us are afraid. There is an ominous feeling in the air as we see the specter of an unknown future coming towards us amidst the storm. Yet right here, closer than our breathe, the Lord of Life sits among us. Despite the scariness of the unknown, there is opportunity for growth and goodness; here, in this moment, because God is here. God is with us. And God’s presence and power are transformative. We do not yet know what the future will hold, but we do know that Christ’s endless compassion and transformative power will be with us.
– Anne
Invitation to Fall Worship
If you would like to join us for either zoom or one of our outdoor services, please contact Karin (email) for more information.
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Are you a regular and not in a Gathering? Contact Angela (email).
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Link to last Sunday’s meditation: Unraveled by Uncertainty (Anne Smith)
Changing Our Minds
Saturday, September 26
10:00 am – 1:00 pm, PST
RSVP reminder:
Listen to Dr. David Gushee’s presentation from his home in Atlanta, Georgia to the Gathering of Baptists in Ontario. He is the author of Changing Our Minds: A Call for Full Inclusion, an insightful book on the place of LGBTQ+ Christians in the church. For more information, including how to reserve a place, follow this link.
Sep 20: Outdoors Church
Sep 27: Zoom Church
Oct 4: Outdoors Church
Oct 11: Outdoors Church
Oct 18: Zoom Church
Prayer Chain
If you have a confidential prayer need, please contact John H.
Pastoral Support
If you’re needing to talk or to pray, please call Anne (778-878-4352?).
Supporting the Work of Southpoint
Thank you for considering your giving during this unusual time. Options include:
– via Pre-authorized debit (repeating or one-time) with this form (link). Cost to Southpoint is only $0.50.
– via Paypal to The Church at Southpoint. Cost is 3% of the donation.
– via the Charitable Impact Foundation (link). Cost is 2.8% of the donation.
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