Week of September 6 -12

The Heir
– Hannah Garrity

Sarah, Laughing 

In this image, Sarah looks down at Isaac, the child born to her in her old age. There is such joy and warmth in the unraveling of her barrenness. Walter Brueggemann wrote that “Laughter is a biblical way of receiving a newness which cannot be explained. The newness is sheer gift – underived, unwarranted.”

What might it look like for our disbelief to unravel into joy?

When have you been unraveled by unexpected joy and surprise?


Worship: Unraveling and Reforming

At Southpoint, our life together is formed around three practices which help us live out our calling as Christians: worship, connection and care. As we participate in these practices, God grows love within us and we reflect God’s love to the world around. 

“The practice of worship is a way of life, not just something we do on Sunday mornings. When we do gather together, we seek to worship God in ways that are holistic, accessible, participatory, and image-rich. We value creativity, the inclusion of children, and the integration of worship styles.  –  Southpoint Vision Statement

How do we worship in ways that are in keeping with our vision during a season when we cannot be all together, face to face? There has been a gap between the ideal (what we long for worship to be) and the real (what it is, given the limitations we face).

Yet, in the midst of Covid limitations, the Spirit of God is moving. God is not limited by our limitations. I experienced this truth while worshipping in a cinder block squatter church in Manila: the real power of worship is found not the abundance of skill or material resources, but in the abundance of Jesus’ presence. And Jesus’ presence is abundantly found in the most ordinary of places. Even in zoom worship and backyard church, but most particularly in our love for one another. Dare we believe that God might surprise us with joy, even in something as uninspiring as zoom?

Here are some small things you can do to help our worship become a vessel for God’s abundant presence:

Be hopeful and expectant that God will be meeting us in these spaces, even when they aren’t ideal.

Consider purchasing a journal and following along with our theme in between Sundays.

Tell us when something was meaningful for you.

Share your story if God meets you in worship.Tell us when you are struggling, and help us discover an “even better yet”.

When you get weary and think “why bother?”, remember that your mere presence is a gift to others.

Show your face during zoom church – it’s so meaningful to see your face.

Use zoom to learn each other’s names.

Before you come, set an intention for your worship, such as: “I am open to what God wants to give me during this time. I am open to what God wants to give through me during this time.”

Pray for our worship life together.

– Anne



A vision flourishes when we share it and support it together

Unraveled Journal

Please consider going deeper into this fall’s theme. The Unraveled journal will take us right to Advent. For copyright reasons we cannot provide the link for everyone but we can do the photocopying and get your booklet to you!

Let Karin know (email)  how many copies you’d like:

Colour $14
B & W  $3.50

Go to the Southpoint website’s Giving page to make your payment through the PayPal link.

Thank you!

Changing Our Minds

Saturday, September 26
10:00 am – 1:00 pm, PST

RSVP reminder:

Listen to Dr. David Gushee’s presentation from his home in Atlanta, Georgia to the Gathering of Baptists in Ontario. He is the author of Changing Our Minds: A Call for Full Inclusion, an insightful book on the place of LGBTQ+ Christians in the church. For more information, including how to reserve a place, follow this link.



Sept 13: Zoom Sunday
The zoom invitation is here.


Prayer Chain
If you have a confidential prayer need, please contact John H .

Pastoral Support
If you’re needing to talk or to pray, please call Anne (778-878-4352?).


Supporting the Work of Southpoint

Thank you for considering your giving during this unusual time. Options include:

– via Pre-authorized debit (repeating or one-time) with this form (link). Cost to Southpoint is only $0.50.

– via Paypal to The Church at Southpoint. Cost is 3% of the donation.

– via Charitable Impact Foundation. Cost is 2.8% of the donation.

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