Welcome, Madison Friesen

How exciting is this? It’s time for us to introduce our new Community Life Coordinator! Grateful thanks are here due to our hiring committee (ably led by Scott Hill) for steering us to this point through a thorough process.

Madison will join us officially in August but you have probably already seen him with us of a Sunday, along with his wife, Emma.

He has lived in Langley most of his life and is a grad of Trinity Western’s Christianity and Culture program. His circles have overlapped with some of those of our community—he explored sustainable agriculture and creation during an internship with A Rocha Brooksdale last year, and recently completed Soul Stream’s Living from the Heart course.

In his last role (with Steps Forward BC) he facilitated equitable access to an authentic student experience for young adult students with developmental disabilities. 

In his free time he loves to be active—playing Spikeball with friends or working through a challenging ‘project’ at the bouldering gym, and also quiet—cozying up with a good book and cup of coffee.

He is eager to share life together across generations and to explore faith and the vastness of God’s love with Southpoint’s children and youth.

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