With all creation…

This Sunday, we begin our month-long celebration of the Season of Creation, which is part of the wider season of Ordinary Time in the liturgical church year.  Following the suggested scriptures and themes, we will be focusing each week on a different aspect of Creation: Oceans, Fauna, Storms, and Cosmos; each a reflection of God’s Wisdom. 

This Sunday, as you think about preparing for our Gathering, I invite you to take a trip to the ocean and gather something from it that you can bring to church—a piece of driftwood, a shell, a piece of seaweed.  

This is our call to worship on Sunday. Spend a few moments listening to the songs of the ocean: 

“We gather today to worship in this sanctuary called Earth. In the oceans, waves roar songs of praise. Whales call to one another in the deep. Birds circle over the waters, crying out.

All of this is a living, breathing prayer to the Creator. We get to join our voices, caught up into this living song of praise: “Holy, Holy, Holy!”

“Holy! Holy! Holy!” 

Think also about your own connection to the ocean—what you love about the ocean, any significant memories it holds for you.

“With all creation, we bless you, our Creator. We thank you for a wondrous planet home, especially the waters of the ocean that surround us. Jesus Christ, make our hearts sensitive to the songs of our kin, songs of celebration from the sea, the forest and the air. Amen.”

Celebrating Kinship with Creation

In September we’ll observe the Season of Creation over four Sundays leading to St Francis of Assisi day on Oct 4. With readings in a liturgical pattern similar to that of Advent, the series follows a broad pattern of creation, alienation, passion and new creation, giving special attention to the story of the Earth, which complements the story of God and the story of humanity in the Scriptures.

Sun. Sep 4
Ocean Sunday
Bring an item from the ocean’s shore!

Sun. Sep 11
Fauna Sunday

Sun. Sep 18
Storm Sunday

Sun. Sep 25 ALL IN
Cosmos Sunday

Sun. Oct 2 
St Francis Sunday
Blessing of the animals

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